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George Stewart’s Studio Guest this week was a former Commodore of the Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club, Gary Smith.


The subject was the remarkable career of the America’s Cup winning skipper, Peter Burling from Tauranga. Gary recalled the very earliest days when Peter and his father Richard would be down at the Welcome Bay estuary, with a little gaff rigged Optimist yacht, teaching Peter how to sail and tack. 

From winning races in NZ and around the world he progressed to the Harry Hight designed P Class, when at the age of 13 he was winning more cups and trophies. Then it was to the larger Starling Class. Two years later the 15 year old and fellow crew member Carl Evans won the 2006


420 Class World champs in the Canary Islands. There were many more wins in NZ and around the world in much larger and faster skiffs, including the scary trapeze balancing 49er’s. 

Gary also told our listeners how the super fast Americas Cup yachts managed to stay upright, with the special wing foils, while blasting along at up to 100 kilometres an hour, with just limited vision for the skippers in their confined cockpits.
Photo Gary Smith



Posted by George Stewart on 22 Oct 24


George Stewart’s Studio Guest this week was Tauranga’s new Mayor, Mahe Drysdale.


The former Olympic gold medal rowing champion won the Mayoralty race, with over 6,000 more votes than a former Mayor, Greg Brownless.


In a wide ranging interview he told the listeners of his vision for Tauranga to be the “Best City in New Zealand,” while acknowledging that it is now described as one of the most expensive cities to live in.


Mahe said he was very aware of the huge traffic delays for people coming in from Welcome Bay and Council is working to complete the design of a “Tidal Traffic Flow” across the Hairini Bridge, but that will require removing some footpaths to construct an extra lane, plus building a “clip on” to the side of the bridge for cyclists and pedestrians.  He said he was very pleased with the different skills provided by the newly elected councillors, who were working well as at team.. Mahe also said he was very supportive of the plans for a ferry to be operating between Mount Maunganui and the CBD , to reduce the traffic on the roads, and hoped that one day such a service could be expanded to Maungatapu, Otumoetai and even Omokoroa.

Posted by George Stewart on 04 Sep 24


George Stewart's Studio Guest this week was the President of the Tauranga Historical Society, Julie Green.  Julie grew up in her grandfather's home, The Elms and still remembers sliding down the banister of the stairs, as a child.   That Grandfather was Duff Maxwell.

She talked about one of the City's oldest buildings, the Brain Watkins House, on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Cameron Road.  The house was built by a Tauranga boat builder, Joseph Brain in 1881 and is now a NZ Historic Place Trust Category 2 listed building. It was donated to the Tauranga Historical Society, by it's previous owner, Elvira Brain and is kept in pristine condition, fully furnised as it would have been over 140 years ago, thanks to donations and grants from various charitable organisations. 

Posted by George Stewart on 27 Aug 24


Neil Walsh has been a Volunteer with Village Radio for more than 18 years and he has now decided it's time to resign and relax.   

He worked with the NZBS in Gisborne as a technical trainee.  He then spent three years at Gisborne and another two in Wellington. When he qualified he took a job in Hamilton as a radio serviceman and later started with TISCO for seven years. In 1970 he went to NZ Forest Products Ltd at the Kinleith Mills.  

On his 65th Birthday he was offered redundancy when the maintenance systems were contracted out and saw him retire to Papamoa Paradise. After a short rest he was accepted by Village Radio as an Announcer/Panel Operator. He will be missed by both his fellow Volunteers and listeners.


Photo:- Neil with fellow Volunteer Peter Donnelly in Studio One.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 12 Jul 24


Earlier in the week we  farewelled our energiser Katie with  chocolates and  coffee cake.  Katie visited our studios in February and before  long said she was keen to become an announcer.


It was perfect timing as  Penny another announcer ( made the delicious coffee cake) was heading oversees to visit family in Ireland. So Katie  jumped into the vacancy and through herself into putting together fabulous  programs playing pure nostalgia.  Katie will be dearly  missed by our volunteers and listeners.


Thank you Katie, enjoy your trip to the Northern Hemisphere and you can leave with the knowledge there always  be a position for you if you return to Tauranga.

Posted by Tony Rhind on 13 Jun 24


George Stewart’s studio guest on Monday was the recently appointed Director of Tauranga’s future Museum, Greg McManus. He told George that he is presently leading the development of a World Class, “state of the art” Museum, that will be part of the $303 million dollar city project, Te Manawataki O Te Papa.

At present he is working with the Centre architect, to design the 3 level building. When the Museum opens, in four years time, visitors will be able to see how Tauranga developed, from the arrival of one of the first migratory canoes, where the very first settlers lived, including the battles staged at Pukehinahina (Gate Pa) and Te Ranga, between the Colonial Forces, and the Waikato tribes.

At present much of Tauranga’s historical evidence is in storage in a warehouse, in Mount Maunganui.


Posted by George Stewart on 11 Jun 24


George Stewart’s Studio Guest this week was the Port of Tauranga’s General Manager of Communications, Rochelle Lockley. Rochelle has been part of the executive team for the past 4 years but was previously operating her own consultancy, advising clients of all sizes, from not - for - profit organisations, through to listed companies, around the world. 

She explained to our listeners that the port company has now run out of space to store any more shipping containers, and that is why it is vital that their application to the Environment Court succeeds, to extend its operations on both sides of the harbour. The first stage has just been approved.  

Rochelle also revealed that a large multi level building in Golf Road, in Mount Maunganui,which carries a sign “Port Rescue Centre” will serve as a hub for Surf Life Saving operations in the Eastern region of the North Island, as well as a co-ordination point for any major surf rescues. Rochelle is also the commentator of the bus tours that take shareholders and other invited groups around the port.

Posted by George Stewart on 21 May 24


Colleen an avid listener of many years celebrated her 100th birthday on the 14th May.  Colleen spent her early life in Morrinsville and Auckland's Half Moon Bay. She was a Singer and Dancer and loves a wide range of music.  


She moved to Omokoroa Country Estate some 19 years ago. It was while searching on her radio for something to listen to that she heard one of her favourite tunes, it was on Village Radio and she has been listening ever since.  Our Station has helped fill a big gap in Colleen's life and she likes listening to our announcers giving brief profiles of the artists they are playing. She says she has learnt alot from listening to them.  



The photo is Colleen with the card she received from King Charles and Queen Camilla.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 17 May 24


George Stewart's Studio Guest this week was, William McElwee who was appointed the new Music Director of Bay of Plenty Symphonia in 2023. He comes to the Bay of Plenty Symphonia with a wealth of directing and performing experience in New Zealand and the UK.  He currently resides in Wellington, where he is Director of Music at St Mary of the Angels Church, Conductor of Gallery Orchestra, and Associate MD of Wellington Young Voices Children’s Choir.

While in Tauranga he directs Youth Philharmonic Tauranga, and in 2024 will conduct the orchestra for Tauranga Music Theatre’s season of Les Miserables.  He has performed widely as a baritone soloist including with NZ Opera, and his instrumental playing  experience includes being a founding member of Straynge Discorde – The New Zealand Lute Quartet.  William holds a PGDip in Performance Voice, a BSc in Mathematics and a BA in English and Latin with Honours in English Language.  Wiiliam is replacing former Music Director, Justus Rozemond.  He is thrilled to be working with BOPS and continuing their tradition of brave programming and brilliant playing. 



Posted by George Stewart on 01 May 24


We had a special broadcast on Saturday morning, to celebrate the actual day Tauranga Village Radio made it's first broadcast. The 86 year old Collins transmitter ran like the proverbial clock.    Transmission commenced at 7.15 am and concluded at 1 pm when we switched back to the Nautel transmitter.


Our thanks to Ted for his work in arranging the linkages so we could run the Collins up after about 2 years since the last broadcast and also George Stewart who "switched' her on.

Listeners reported excellent sound quality and a more powerful signal than that being put out by the newer Nautel. Perhaps, as the old song we sometimes play, says "Why don't we do this more often". 


Photo of George Stewart with the Collins.

Posted on 14 Apr 24


At the 40th Birthday Party on Sunday, Kel Raine a past Volunteer of many years cut the cake. A digital book was presented to recently retired Volunteer, Russ Bain of 28 years by Evan Turbott Chairman  


There was loads of Entertainment by our wonderful Volunteers with Ian Diggleman on his piano accordion as he led a singalong   We had a great crowd of Listeners and Volunteers to share the day. Our actual birthday is the 13th April. 


Photos of the Party are on our website under Photo Gallery with more to come!! 

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 10 Apr 24


Meet the villagers - Village Radio 📻🎵


Celebrating 40 years of broadcasting this April, Village Radio stands as the heartbeat of The Historic Village. They offer a unique blend of pure nostalgia and contemporary music, boasting a collection of vinyl records spanning from the 1930s to the 1990s.


With a dedicated team of over 30 volunteers, Village Radio has cultivated a passionate community of listeners from across New Zealand and beyond. Visitors are invited to explore the museum of vintage radio equipment and immerse themselves in over 20,000 classic records. The station prides itself on its sense of camaraderie and community spirit, fostering connections among listeners and volunteers alike. From Tony R, the retired DJ with 20 years of experience, to Marion, the passionate music lover and gardening enthusiast, Tony H who grew up listening to the post-war era of music, and Ken, the retired rock n roll musician, each volunteer brings their unique passion to the airwaves. 🎶


Interested in joining the team? They’re always on the lookout for passionate volunteers, contact the Station Manager on their number below.

📞Village radio also take on-air song requests Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Call them on (07) 571-3710.
🎧 Streaming 24/7 on
📻 Or listen on 1368AM in Tauranga.

Posted by From Historic Village FB page on 05 Apr 24


George Stewart’s studio guest this week was the Chief Pilot and Base Manager of the Aerocool Rescue Helicopter, Liam Brettkelly.  He told our listeners how as a teenager he was fascinated with flying, growing up in Taupo, and later gained his full pilots’ licence. He’s been flying the Tauranga Rescue choppers for over 20 years.  Liam said one of a pilots’ real fears has always been the worry that they will come into contact with power lines when landing, to rescue crash victims, which is where the “eagle- eyes” of his flight crew are vital.


The Rescue Base recently took delivery of a brand new Airbus H145 twin engined rescue Helicopter, which has an advanced autopilot control system, that allows the pilot to almost let it fly itself ! Another feature, which the former Kawasaki helicopter did not have, was its enclosed multi - finned tail rotor, making it much safer to walk around, when loading and unloading patients.

Posted by George Stewart on 27 Mar 24


A public outcry over the Tauranga City Council’s plans to massively increase user charges, for many of the facilities in the city, was one of the questions George Stewart posed to Commissioner Anne Tolley, when she visited the Historic Village this week. In a wide ranging interview Mrs Tolley talked about some of the major achievements her team had managed over the past three years, since the Government replaced the previously elected members, who were unable to work under Mayor, Tenby Powell.


She talked about her previous roles, in both Government and local body politics, and the skills her colleagues Bill Wasley, Stephen Sellwood and Chad Rolleston had brought to help drive the city forward.  As well as the complete replacement of all the underground services along Cameron Road, the city Council will soon be commencing a “tidal flow” dual lane system of traffic management, from Hairini to 15th Avenue, to try and reduce the traffic jams for workers coming in from Welcome Bay, and going home at night.


The commissioners are to end their work in July, with the return of democratically elected councillors.


Posted by George Stewart on 29 Feb 24


A group of Village Radio volunteers led by our fearless leader Evan Turbott put our submission to the Tauranga City Councils long term plan.
Tauranga City Council is proposing increasing charges for users of the Historic Village.  This would impact hugley on an institution like  Village Radio having been in the Village for nearly 40 years. A significant increase in rent may well push us beyond sustainability.
Photo - Left Evan Turbott, Graeme Millow , Ken Wadsworth , Tony Rhind, Marion King, Brian William, Tony Hunt

Posted by Tony Rhind on 13 Feb 24


George Stewart’s studio guest on Monday 5 February was Maori historian and consultant, and former director of the Waitangi Trust, Buddy Mikaere. Buddy’s family ties are from both Tauranga ( Ngati Ranginui ) and Ngati Pukenga ( Te Puna ), but he also has a connection to Iwi from the Coromandel.

He told our listeners of his work in establishing a charitable trust, to oversee the creation of a special museum at Gate Pa, to tell visitors about the battle at Pukehinahina with the Colonial Forces, which took place with Tauranga Maori allied to the King Movement in the Waikato. Buddy has also worked with Sir Peter Jackson’s team at Weta Workshop to create the battle scenes from Gallipoli at Te Papa, and last year he was involved in the creation of the New Zealand Liberation Museum at Le Quesnoy, in France. 


He told George that he had just recently returned from a trip to the USA, where he was studying how they had portrayed the American Civil War.

Posted by George Stewart on 07 Feb 24


During Penny Vaughan's Monday program she hosted temporary Tauranga visitors from Berlin, Rob Morgenstern and his two delightful daughters Rosa and Kitty in Studio One. (See photo with Penny)

The Seekers `Georgie Girl` was requested by the 5 and 3 year olds as it is the favourite song of their Grandmother. Rob was `blown away` by the studios and now wants to bring his father to visit, and maybe attend our 40th birthday party in April.

Posted on 15 Jan 24


Volunteer Tony Hunt introduced his brother Denis, his wife Da and nephew Adit to the Village Radio Studios.  Da and Adit are from Bangkok but they’ve lived in Wellington for many years. They have now returned to Wellington after Christmas with family in Auckland and Tauranga.  


Ken Wadsworth who was announcing at the time put Da on air, and she was extremely at ease and professional   


Photo Left Tony Hunt, Denis, Adit and Da

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 05 Jan 24

HAPPY 2024

The Volunteers at Tauranga Village Radio wish all the Friends of Village Radio (FOVR) and our listeners a Very Happy New Year.  May it bring you health and happiness and lots of music from Village Radio.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 01 Jan 24


A delightful visitor on 9th December from the cruise ship Coral Princess was Ann Hopwell, a radio announcer from Fraser Coast FM 107.5, Hervey Bay, Queensland. 

Fraser Coast FM 107.5 operate similarly to Village Radio by broadcasting 7 days a week thanks to a fabulous team who are all volunteers and they also stream. Day to day operating expenses are funded by community support from ‘Members’ and local ‘Sponsors’. 

Ann’s shows are called “Liquorice Allsorts” on Monday mornings and “Jazz It Up” on Sunday evenings. Ann arrived as Brian Williams (also a jazz presenter) was handing over to Saturday afternoon announcer Lloyd Davy. 


Photo shows Ann Hopwell with Lloyd Davy.

Posted by Brian Williams on 12 Dec 23


George Stewart’s Studio Guest last week was the Mayor of the Western Bay of Plenty District Council, James Denyer. He is married to Victoria and has two children. He lives in Katikati, Waihi Beach originally from London. He is a supporter of the Katikati Bypass, having been a member of the bypass action group.
James and his councillors and staff look after a huge expanse of the Western Bay, stretching from Otamarakau to Waihi Beach, an area covering 212,000 hectares....The last census of 2020 it had a mainly rural population, of over 54 thousand.  James and his council are managing with the growing pains of towns, including Omokoroa and Te Puke, and the grid locked roads and highways in his area.



Posted by Sheila Lacey on 09 Dec 23


George Stewart's Studio Guest this week was the Concert Master of the Bay of Plenty Symphonia, Rebecka Beetz.   Rebecka, was born in Germany, and came to New Zealand 17 years ago. She was only 6 years old when she decided that she wanted to learn the violin.  


She told George and our listeners how she became involved with the Symphonia, some 14 years ago, and how important it was to be able to hear all the other sections of the orchestra, from her position as Principal Violin, alongside the Musical Director/conductor.  Her other role is that prior to every performance she will stand up, strike an "A " on her violin, and listen to every instrument, to make sure they are all in tune.  


The guest at Sunday's concert is Andrew Beer, Violinist/Concert Master with Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra.  He has been described as a “virtuoso soloist” . The Conductor will be Euan Safey.   The Concert will be held at Holy Trinity Church, Devonport Road on Sunday 19th November, 3pm

Posted by George Stewart on 14 Nov 23


Tauranga Village Radio would llike to welcome Penny Vaughan. Penny has undertgone training and passed with flying colours.   As she has said in her bio for the website "Thanks to my daughter Kate who was a volunteer here on Village Radio I am now loving being part of The Team, bringing all the wonderful music we have at our fingertips into everyones' homes during my show on a Monday".  Kate left Village Radio a few months ago to live in Ireland for a while.




See more about Penny under the Our Volunteers icon.





Posted by Sheila Lacey on 26 Oct 23


Are you aware that if Tauranga was hit by a disaster as powerful as the recent cyclone, that struck terror in the lives of the people living in Tairawhiti (Gisborne) and Hawkes Bay, you may have to take care of yourselves, for up to three days? That is the advice from the Community Response Team, that is looking after your welfare in the Otumoetai, Matua and Bethlehem suburbs. The Chairman of that team is Richard Kluit, who was our studio guest during George Stewart’s programme this week. In 2005, and again in 2008 a number of homes in Matua, Otumoetai, the Minden and Omokoroa were severely damaged, during a massive downpour of rain, that penetrated the foundation soils of our area and also created massive slips on the hills. There were more downpours of heavy rain in 2021 that created surface flooding.


Richard explained that if residents were unable to stay in their homes, during a similar natural disaster, they should head to their nearest school, or church, the Huria Marae, Fergusson Park or the Matua Bowling Club, which would have volunteers ready to help with food and accomodation.


Village Radio is also part of a network of local radio stations that would be able to keep listeners informed on what to do and where to go, if a disaster struck.

Posted by George Stewart on 17 Oct 23


Neil and Tony had a lovely visitor from Auckland in the studio this morning during their broadcast. Her name was Shirley Barker-Kirby and after she signed the visitors book and gave us a donation she vowed to encourage her family including grandchildren to visit next time they are in Tauranga.  She described Village Radio as an amazingly serendipitous trip down nostalgia lane. She congratulated us on keeping this history alive.


Photo of Volunteer Neil with Shirley in Studio One

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 13 Oct 23


This article was published on SunLive website on 3rd October 2023 by Juan Cortes.  It has been edited to 'fit' onto our website you can see the full article on 


The volunteer is perhaps the most valuable asset of many non-profit organizations. And in the case of the Village Radio, it is these committed and passionate people that keep the magic of Village Radio classic music alive. But they need more volunteers.   


I listened to the station for quite a while but never saw myself volunteering,” says Penny Vaughan. “Then my daughter make me realize how much I love the station and here I am.” She is now a volunteer announcer, doing something she has discover to be really enjoyable and “super satisfying.” I love it, it gives you a really good feeling to bring enjoyment to people at home.”  It is the passion of people like Penny that has driven Village Radio since weekly broadcasts began in 2004. The announcers, technicians and support staff at the station are all volunteers from different backgrounds and from all around the world.  The thing that binds them is a love for tunes that no other radios stations play, music from last century, nostalgic music from the 1940s to the 1990s.


It is not easy to survive when you are a non-commercial radio station but our sponsors, the community and all our volunteers have done a great job all these years,” says Village Radio station manager Tony Rhind. Tony also says that the station has made great changes to keep the magic on air, and now to an audience beyond New Zealand.  I am happy and proud to say that thanks to our sponsors and a group of volunteers who set everything up, we are now transmitting to the world.” The stations AM signal barely covers Tauranga, but with streaming, Village Radio has been receiving feedback messages from listeners in Australia, England, USA and Canada. That make us really happy”.   


Village Radio will be celebrating its 40th birthday on April 13, 2024. 


If you want to become a volunteer at Village Radio, offer them your financial support, or just tune in, you can find them at 

Posted on 06 Oct 23


During the school holidays numerous students found their way up Village Radio’s narrow old stairway to explore our museum and operating radio station. It was an educational experience, with many not having seen a vinyl record playing previously.

On 4th October, announcer Brian Williams was impressed at the knowledge shown by two lads, Reid and Isaac, from Tauranga Intermediate School. Brian discovered them in the museum tapping out SOS in morse code, then they demonstrated great curiosity, with questions about the workings of some of the exhibits. (with our announcer not always having the answer ..... oh dear?).

They were then each given the opportunity to announce one tune on air. Reid asked if our library included “Surfer Bird” by the Trashmen (1964), fortunately we did. Isaac wished to play “Take It to The Limit” by The Eagles (1975), which he announced to listeners and was a personal favourite of his.

Both played their choices on spinning vinyl LP’s.


Photo is of Reid and Isaac in our studio.


Posted by Brian Williams on 05 Oct 23


On October the 3rd we received the following e-mail from avid Village Radio listener, Ron Chamberlain, "When times are tough and in Depression-----  Take Village Radio Once A day,-- Then watch your Problems Just Fade Away.--  Below a small Token to Longest Serving Volunteer."

George Stewart presented it to Kel Raine at his home in Carmel Retirement Village, he started with Village Radio in 1986 and retired in 2017.

We have THE best listeners!


Posted by Sheila Lacey on 05 Oct 23


George Stewart’s studio guest this week was the Chairperson of the Tauranga City Council Commissioners, Anne Tolley.     In a wide ranging interview Anne was asked about the controversial plans to convert the existing Sports fields at the Tauranga Domain into a new multi purpose arena. She explained the term Rugby Stadium was incorrect.  
Plus why were the contractors not completing smaller sections of Cameron Road, instead of digging up many blocks, which has caused massive disruption to traffic and retailers?
Other topics she was asked about included the continued presence of industries in Mount Maunganui, which has degraded air quality for the residents, rising sea levels due to climate change, and whether homes located near the harbour edge would need to be raised.  
MrsTolley also said she was aware of several factions in the community who were continuing opposing everything the commissioners were doing, to make Tauranga an exciting and liveable city.

Posted by George Stewart on 31 Aug 23


On Monday (14th) we had a Farewell Function for one of our announcers James (Jim) Wood who had been a Volunteer with us for more than 10 years. Jim is also an gifted guitar player (He became the overall winner at the Golden Guitar Awards 2014 in the 60 category).  With friend Peter Cleaver he has entertained not only at Village Radio parties but at many venues around Tauranga .

We wish him our very best wishes for his 'retirement'.

The photo is Jim receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from Acting Chairperson, Evan Turbott.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 21 Aug 23


It was with great sadness that Volunteers family and friends farewelled our Chairman Errol Hay to-day. Errol died on the 28th June 2023. He leaves his wife Barbara, two sons and grandchildren and many friends.


He started with Village Radio as a Volunteer on the 9th July 2018. Amongst other things he was instumental in getting our streaming online. He was much respected both as a member of our Village Family and Volunteer and a great friend. We will miss you Errol.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 04 Jul 23


The 18th to 24th June is National Volunteer Week. There are approx over 1,008,000 in New Zealand. 11.8% of people undertake informal volunteering work, contributing a total of 7.8 million hours of volunteer labour per year 


At Tauranga Village Radio we have 27 great Volunteers. We broadcast approx 64 hours per week. An average week we need 21 announcers and 4-5 panel operators.  Each announcer does a 3 to 5 hour broadcast but add to that the program preparation time of 2-3 hours.    


The hours being 7 days per week, the only day we do not do a live broadcast is Christmas Day, but a Volunteer does go into the studio so that a pre-recorded playlist can be aired.  


Our broadcast hours :- 


8-00am to 10-00am,  


10-00am to 1-00pm   


1-00pm to 5-00pm   


We also have a librarian, web support, technicians, a Committee of 8, who are made up of the Volunteers, they all work as Volunteers behind the scences.   The satisfaction of all our Volunteers is knowing that they can bring enjoyable, varied, musical programmes and a friendly voice into the homes of our listeners.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 20 Jun 23


At Tauranga Village Radio we have one of the largest collections of vinyl records in New Zealand. All the tracks we have are all on our datbase, the announcers are able to collate their programmes from this list as each record has been coded and put into it's appropriate shelf in the library.


We have 28 different categories they are (in alpha order):-

Brass Band,Children, Choir, Christmas, Classical, Country and Western, Dance Band, Documentary, Duets, Hawaiian, Humerous, Instrumental, Jazz, Latin American, Light Orchestral, Light Piano, Maori & Island, Micellaneous, Old Time, Organ, Religious, Scottish/Irish, Singalong, Special Occasion, Stage & Screen, Vocal Female, Vocal Group, Vocal Male.

The section Special Occasions has such tracks as the Lunar Landing in 1969, Churchill's Speeches of World War II, Peter Snell's winning his Olympic Race, Winston McCarthy and many more. As well as the vinyl collection we now have tracks on CD’s and of course on computers/laptops. 




Posted by Sheila Lacey on 10 Jun 23


Jennie Halliday of Tauranga Repair Cafe was interviewed in our studio on Wednesday 17th May by Brian Williams.

Repair Cafés are a part of the grassroots movement that aims to reduce waste and overconsumption. It aims to encourage and foster the “do it yourself” spirit and strengthen social connections by bringing different members of the community together. A repair Café is a pop-up event where members of the public bring items to be repaired – for free – instead of throwing them away.

Volunteer Jennie Halliday wanted to get involved with setting up the Tauranga Repair Café because “I grew up with fixers” but most people don’t have access to repairers. Finding out about Repair Cafés solved this – bringing together the know-how and the things otherwise destined for landfill. There’s such a lot of goodwill and even excitement on the day when things get fixed.  Depending on the availability of the volunteers at each Tauranga event, repairs can be made to household items such as bikes, clothing, toys, furniture, jewellery, small electrical appliances, and more. 

Tauranga Repair Cafe is a ‘once a month’ pop-up event between 9.30am and 11.30am on the last Saturday of each month at 148 Durham Street. You can check out the website for booking details etc.  


Posted by Brian Williams on 19 May 23


George Stewart's Studio Guests on Monday 8 May were the crew of the Aerocool Rescue Helicopter, Pilot Liam Brettkelly, and his flight paramedic, Tony Hohepa. 

Liam told our listeners about a recent incident when 11 year old Jesse had fallen 4 metres to the ground, when the branch in the tree he had climbed on broke. His injuries were very serious, he'd stopped breathing, and he had multiple broken bones, including a head injury.  Thanks to the crew of the rescue chopper, which arrived within minutes, he was taken to hospital and has now recovered.
It costs $4,000 each time the crew take to the air, and that is for just one patient. The powerful Kawasaki twin engined helicopter is fitted out with every sort of life saving medical apparatus, including a defibrillator, ventilator, a syringe driver, oxygen and an airway kit.
Their area is from the lower Coromandel and down to Rotorua.
Listeners can become Friends of the Aerocool Rescue Helicopter, by donating anything from $55.00, and up to $85.00 for a family. The contact number to join up is 0800 11 10 10, or you can just go to their web page which is :
Pictured : Liam Brett Kelly and Tony Hohepa in the Village Radio Studio.

Posted by George Stewart on 09 May 23


Although it was our 39th year of broadcasting birthday on the 13th April we had the party on Sunday 23rd.



It was well attended by both listeners and Volunteers. We had a music quiz set by Ken Wadsworth which made us really think about our music knowledge and Steve Lambie supplied the music for the afternoon.



The photo is of Don who was there at the first broadcast in 1984, cutting one of our birthday cakes with Tony Rhind, Station Manager.

For further photos please visit our Photo Gallery

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 28 Apr 23


George Stewart broadcast today, April 10, he was loooking back at the anniversary of the tragic loss of life with the sinking of the inter island vessel the Wahine, in Wellington Harbour in 1968 with a loss of 53 lives. George told how he was on duty at the NZBS overseas receiving station at Makara, that day and was able to listen into some of the messages being transmitted over Wellington Radio.  


He played a sound tape that was broadcast later that night by Peter Brian, a Wellington announcer. 







Posted by Sheila Lacey on 10 Apr 23


Tony Rhind had Tane Cook the Culture and Program Leader of the Turning Point Trust in the studio last Tuesday. 




Tane brought us up to date with the open day they were having on the 28th  March between 11 and 2pm at the Historic Village Centre. Tane was passionate about their mental health and addiction services which they  have been successfully running since 1966.  


I asked  how did those with addictions pluck up courage to  call on their services and Tane said that they work in with a large range of outside  organisations to provide their services. It is important that they feel safe and supported and can develop meaningful relationships.  


Their aim is to give people skills that will facilitate  their inclusion and  participation  in society. He was also passionate about the Trust activities and you couldn't help  but think they would be successful in all their endeavours.



Photo Tane Cook


Posted by Tony Rhind on 27 Mar 23


Village Radio had a stand at the Seniors & Travel Expo, Baypark, Saturday and Sunday. Our Volunteers were kept busy with a constant flow of visitors.

It was a very successful weekend with plenty of interest shown in our station and museum.


The photo shows our Volunteers talking with members of the public. 

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 20 Mar 23


Graham & Liz of Bethlehem were thrilled to win our listeners prize. A prize pack of ‘goodies’ which was drawn from an entry list of all our listeners who visited the weekends Seniors & Travel Expo at Baypark.

Visitors to the Village Radio stand also signed up to be ‘Friends of Village Radio’ where they can select ten of their favourite tunes to be played on their own exclusive half hour, then they will soon be receiving an invitation to attend Village Radios upcoming birthday celebration party in April.


Photo:- Graham and Liz with their prize pack.

Posted by Graeme Millow on 20 Mar 23


Friday morning (17th March - St Patricks Day) and our Announcer Jim Byrnes in Irish costume played Irish tunes in with his 60's and 70's music.

Jim's Great Grandfather emigrated to New Zealand in the 1850s and later Jim's Mother also emigrated from Tipperary, Ireland in the 1920's, she later became a nurse and worked in Te Kuiti.

Jim still has familty in Ireland and he and his wife Sandra often visit tem.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 17 Mar 23


Kel Raine, ex announcer, started with Tauranga Village Radio in 1986. Some 25 years later he retired but still kept the Tee Shirt that his late wife Ann had made for him during his first year. Note in the photo of Kel it shows that the broadcasts were only on a Sunday from 9-00am to 5-00pm.


Kel now has his own small radio station, Radio Carmel (107.3FM) which he started some 8 years ago. He broadcasts 24/7  at the Retirement Village where he lives. The music is pure nostalgia.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 15 Mar 23


Brian Williams interviewed 19 year old Tauranga singer/songwriter Sophie-Maude on 13th February.   Sophie-Maude battles daily with Tourette syndrome, ADHD, autism and obsessive compulsive disorder.  


The video of her 2022 single ‘Comfortable’ (filmed on Mt Maunganui beach) is about “learning to accept yourself” and draws on her childhood experiences and hiding her true self.  Sophie-Maude explained how she manages the struggles that can stifle her simple day to day functioning. Incredibly positive, she celebrates that being autistic provides her with a different way of looking at things, which she applies as a source of inspiration, and point of difference. 


Her last release "Take Me Away", reached number one in the Hot New Zealand Singles. In 2022 her music was streamed on Spotify 79,000 times. Her video’s are also on You Tube. A highlight was recently singing on the stage for Auckland’s CocaCola Christmas in the Park. 


Photo is rehearsing for the Opotiki Lantern Festival.





Posted by Brian Williams on 19 Feb 23


Village Radio announcer George Stewart had a surprise studio guest on Waitanga Day, with the arrival of historian and consultant on Maori Affairs, Buddy Mikaere.  Buddy ( Ngati Pukenga Ngati Ranginui) had been locked in by washed out roads, near the town of Coromandel, all week, but managed to arrive in Tauranga in time to organise the celebrations at the Tauranga Historic Village.


He spoke abut his work with the Waitangi Tribunal, his involvement with the Pukehinahina Charitable Trust, which is to create a special building and a permanent display at Gate Pa, on the grounds of the former Gate Pa Bowling Club, that will enable visitors to experience the Battle of Gate Pa.


Buddy had held meetings with the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to enable free bus transport for people wishing to experience the special day’s celebrations at the Historic Village. Prior to the rain at around 1pm, the Village was packed with families and children, taking part in a wide range of activities.

Posted by George Stewart on 07 Feb 23


Today during Tony Hunt's broadcast he welcomed Serge and Sophie Perrin from Anglet in the Basque Country in the Southwest of France not too far from the Spanish Border. It is a lovely coastal town with surf beaches, a wildlife park and lots of sports amenities.
Tony has said that "Serge and Sophie have been to NZ previously and heard about Village Radio and made a special trip to Tauranga to look us up. Their next trip to our country will be to the South Island, not previously visited. They spoke perfect English as opposed to my broken secondary school French and they generously donated to Village Radio".
Photo of Sophie & Serge in our studio

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 25 Jan 23


George Stewart’s studio guest this week was one of the brave firefighters who helped rescue trapped people from the collapsed Canterbury Television Building, following the devastating Christchurch earthquake, in February 2011. He was later award the New Zealand Bravery Medal in 2014 Special Honours List.


Luke Burgess is now a Senior Policy and Capability Specialist, with NZ Fire and Emergency, based in Tauranga , but now living in Waihi.

Luke ran through some of the ways our listeners can keep themselves safe in their homes, and what to do if a pot catches fire on a stove, to never mixing up a cell phone charger, with one that is from a different device.


He also said that there is a team of experienced fire prevention officers who will come to your home, at no charge, and will identify where your smoke alarms should be located, to give maximum coverage and protection.


Posted by George Stewart on 24 Jan 23


 During our announcer Tony Hunt's broadcast he was delighted to show around our wonderful station two lovely young ladies from Wellington. Meleme (Mel) is French and Kristina (Krisi) is from Germany. They announced their own request on air - Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles.

Tony stated that they would make great additions to our volunteers if they were living locally as they took a great interest in what we are doing and spent 45 minutes both in the studios and Museum!

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 30 Dec 22


Village Radio would like to wish all their listeners, sponsors and volunteers a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. Thank you all for your continued support.


Christmas Day from 8-00am until 1-00 pm we have Peter Shaw 'live' on air followed by Marie Burns, so keep those phone calls coming in with requests or a chat to let them know you are listening.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 11 Dec 22


Bob Lucas and 5 other members from the Over 60s Club spent a couple of hours at our studios, visiting the Museum, Vinyl Record Library and our 2 broadcasting studios. 

They were shown around by Jim Byrnes and John Cullen who also answered the many questions that were asked. Bob selected his own request and announced it `on air`. A feature that is becoming very popular with our visitors.


The photo is of the group in our studio one.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 11 Nov 22


Last night, 9th Noveber 2022 was Village Radio's AGM and we have a new Committee. They are as follows:- 


Chair Person          Errol Hay   

Vice Chair             Evan Turbott   

Station Manager    Tony Rhind 

Secretary              Kate Pollock   

Treasurer              Kelvin Roach 

Committee:-         Matrion King 

                           Peter Donnelly  

                           Peter Shaw 

Photo - Chair Person Errol Hay

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 10 Nov 22


On Friday, 28th October, we hosted five residents from the  Bayview -Oceania healthcare.  


Each of the residents had a tour of Village Radio including our studios, the extensive record libarary and museum.  Peter Donnelly was the announcer for the afternoon and Kate Pollock was putting on the records. Each visitor picked an album of their choice from our vast collection of vinyl records and was then given the the microphone to tell us a little about their song choice, and a little about themselves, they then announced the track live on air and which was played. 

A quote from our announcer Peter "I must admit I was really impressed by them all as they did a great job on air"  Also a quote from our Station Manager, Tony Rhind "They all did a sterling  job and sounded like true professionals.."  


 Photo show the Visitors with Kate Pollock, missing is Peter Donnelly 

(You can see other photos in our Gallery Section on this Website)


Posted by Sheila Lacey on 29 Oct 22


It was a busy afternoon on Saturday 22nd October, for Christine Giddens during her broadcast on Tauranga Village Radio not only playing the music but having visitors looking around our studios.


First a visit from Derek Boston, (photographer) and his lovely model Fiona Mannington . They were there to take photographs in the Radio Museum, studio and record library.


Then it was local couple Dave and Ady Evans who were first time visitors to the Radio Station....but as they say they will be back!



Photo Dave & Ady Evans

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 24 Oct 22


Saturday 15th October turned out to be very busy at Village Radio. Bonnie Leonard a Volunteer for over 20 years with Village Radio, (now retired), is on a visit to Tauranga from Gore.  She was guest announcer for the 10 am to 1-00pm broadcast. While Bonnie announced Steve Lambie, our Chairperson, assisted by putting on the records.   


It wasn't long before the phones started to ring and visitors were coming into the studio to said "Hello".  Bonnie did the Sunday morning broadcasts for quite a number of years so is well remembered.


Two of the visitors were from the first cruise ship to come to Tauranga in 2 years, The Majestic Princess. They were Ken Smith and Roz Reeve from Elmsett near Ipwich in Suffolk. They were given a tour of the Station and Bonnie played their request, Vincent by Peters and Lee.  


Photo is of Bonnie with Ken and Roz and Steve

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 15 Oct 22


Ken Wadsworth welcomed visitors Adrian and Dianne Wood to our studios on Thursday, 6th October.  They were visiting friends here in Tauranga. They are Volunteers at City Park Radio Station in Launceston, Tasmania. 


They operate in a similar vain to us but on a much bigger scale. they have 40 volunteers and broadcast for much longer hours, using the FM band and also stream their programmes. They have been operating for about the same time as us.   Adrian joined City Park Radio in 2015 and enjoys the involvement very much. He presents a variety of programs-on average 2 programs per week- classics, old time favourites, easy listening, stage & screen etc- never the same programs each week. For an insight into their operation google:- 


The photo is of the 19th century former caretakers cottage, now the studios of City Park Radio, and has one of Australia's oldest wisteria vines, planted in 1837.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 07 Oct 22


N Z Gardener magazine writer, Sandra Simpson was George Stewart’s studio guest on Monday, telling our listeners about the Tauranga Orchid Society Show, which is back at the Tauranga Racecourse, after a 2 year absence, due to the covid pandemic. 


Sandra is a journalist, an Art Festival worker, an award winning poet, and is the recipient of the “Touchstone Award” for her Haiku, at Katikati. She has been writing for NZ Gardener magazine since 2006, and was a regular contributor to the Bay of Plenty Times up until 2013.  Orchids are some of the most beautiful flowers ever created, but they can be temperamental, and are quite fussy and difficult to get them to flower, year after year. They require warm, moist, conditions, similar to the tropics where most of them come from.  Sandra mentioned that one exhibitor was coming all the way from Whangarei, with another commercial grower from Auckland who would be selling plants at the show. There would also be demonstrations to show how to care for orchids. 


Members of the Tauranga Society will have their very best plants on display for the judges,hoping to win prizes for the many different categories. There would also be a display set up by the Tauranga Bromeliad Society, with plants for sale.



Posted by George Stewart on 20 Sep 22


Shirley Hanly has now retired from Tauranga Village Radio after being a Volunteer Announcer for 17 years. The Chairman Steve Lambie presented Shirley with a book marking her years at the Station. It was given to Shirley at an afternoon tea with other Volunteer's attending. The book was produced by Sheila Lacey another Volunteer.


The photo from left Sheila Lacey, Shirley Hanly and Steve Lambie.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 08 Sep 22


George Stewart’s Studio guest on Monday was the Medical Officer of Health, and Clinical Director of the Bay of Plenty District Health Board, Dr. Phil Shoemack. His team were instrumental in setting up the Vaccine Centres and the vaccines. There are not many Centres as people are encouraged to have the total of 4 vaccines available and do their own testing in their own homes.  


Hospitals are under great pressure as numbers of Covid cases have increased and also being winter we have the flu season.    


Dr Shoemack stated that as far as Covid was concerned there was light at the end of the tunnel but we were not out of it yet.  Three of the main things to remember were wear a mask, physically distance, wash or sanitise your hands regularly but most importantly get vaccinated.


Posted by Sheila Lacey on 03 Aug 22


2nd August on Tony Rhind's programme, he interviewed Shay Rout, Events Co-ordinator for the Cancer Society.  The main topic was the Societys build up to their major fundraiser of the year Daffodil Day, Friday 26th August. It was postponed last year due to Covid. The funds collected on the day stay in Tauranga and helps with the many services the Cancer Society provides. 


Some of the services include one on one support for patient and families, driving people to appointments, providing accommodation while people are having treatment and supporting patients in care programmes. For more information visit the Cancer Society website where you can learn more about the Society, donate or volunteer.   


Tony stated that he had been a Volunteer driver for the Society for a number of years and was one of the most rewarding things he had ever been involved with.  Remember Daffodil Day is the 26th August.





Posted by Sheila Lacey on 03 Aug 22


The studio guest on Monday 29th May was  Tauranga Commissioner Anne Tolley. The  afternoon announcer George Stewart had arranged this special interview, following the much anticipated announcement that the entire Civic Precinct rebuild would be undertaken in one go, costing 303 Million dollars !    Mrs Tolley revealed that it was more than likely that Willow Street would be closed to vehicular traffic, as that entire block would become a family friendly area with lawns, trees, and seats, with a link down through the existing Masonic Park area.


Other topics covered included the removal of the Bay Hopper buses from Wharf and Willow Streets to Durham Street, the repairs and upgrading of Beacon Wharf,  Dive Crescent and the old Cargo Shed,  the removal of parked cars from the Strand car park,  and the strengthening of the failed Harington Street Car Parking building, which the council had sold for one dollar! 

Anne Tolley defended the controversial fining of motorists using Links Avenue as a "rat run" , while the Bayfair overbridge is being constructed, commenting that 7,000 vehicles a day were an unwanted traffic hazard for the residents living there.


But the news for commuters stuck in morning traffic jams who use Turret Road and the one lane bridge over the estuary is not good...That is now a State Highway and is subject to a very long wait for any funding to come from the Government.

Posted by George Stewart on 31 May 22


George Stewart's Studio Guest on Monday 23 May was Nigel Tutt the CEO of Tauranga's Economic Development Agency, Priority One.

Nigel and his team recently announced  a "Landmark moment" for the city, which will be the largest CBD development in New Zealand.  Nigel told our listeners that 20 catalyst developments were committed, over the next 8 years, worth around 1.5 Billion dollars.  These included the now approved Civic rebuild along Willow Street, the new home for the City Council at 90 Devonport Road : Craig and Co.'s. new building on the former site of the old TrustBank building and a new International Hotel on the waterfront. He said the "Blueprint" had been developed in partnership with developers, investors, a major real estate company, Central Government, and the Tauranga City Council.  


Nigel said Priority One has been helping bring new industry and business to Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty for a number of years, including the now thriving Tauriko Business Park and a soon to be constructed Gib Board factory, which will be the biggest in NZ.

Posted by George Stewart on 25 May 22


Bev Hayman was George Stewart’s studio guest this week, recalling the early days of Tauranga’s Jazz Festivals. 


Bev told our listeners how it all started, in 1963, when her husband Ken, who played the trumpet and the piano, organised the very first festival, which was played in the now demolished Soundshell, in Memorial Park. That “rehearsal band” first played on the stage of the old Kerridge Odeon theatre, to launch the movie “Jazz on a Summers Day”, on Auckland anniversary day, 1963.


Over the years the venues changed, starting in the Erin Lea Lounge, old Town Hall, the Tauranga Racecourse, where two stages operated, the Otumoetai Trust at Bureta and finally to two theatres in Baycourt.    Bev said the Historic Village was her favourite place, where you could walk around to see and hear a wide variety of wonderful performers. She was pleased this year’s festival had gone back to the bars and restaurants in Tauranga, instead of the three or four stages along the Strand, where the sound volume was far too loud.


Photo of Bev Hayman in our Studio


Posted by George Stewart on 10 May 22


Every third Monday at 5pm Village Radio broadcasts the Multicultural Hour with Mimi Hung who plays an active part of the Chinese community, especially helping immigrants. 


The listeners are in Tauranga and Rotorua mostly but she records and re-distributes the broadcasts to China, the Auckland Eastern Chinese Society, the USA and Hong Kong. Unfortunately many people do not have the AM band nowadays or do not know how to find it, but the distribution of the broadcasts seems to work for now.


Every month Mimi tries to get someone who is willing to share their experiences and tell the "joy and sorrow" of what they do. So far they have included interviews with, a Motel Owner, Orchardist, Estate Agent, a Chinese Musician and the Shakti Organisation. Also Early history of the Chinese migrant in NZ by Prof Manying Yip from Auckland University, DHB Nurse talking about Covid plus many more. With the help of our announcer George Stewart, who puts on the records, Mimi plays Chinese Golden Oldies songs which many listeners seem to enjoy.

If you wish any further information please contact Village Radio and we will pass the message onto Mimi.


Posted by Sheila Lacey on 02 Mar 22


George Stewart’s studio guest on Monday was Lucy Willard, from Age Concern Tauranga. 

Lucy explained to our listeners that she has a team of 40 “accredited” people, who visit lonely or recently separated people, living independently, who provide regular companionship, and support.  


Lucy also told George about the many services that are provided by Age Concern, including the regular coffee mornings, the walking groups, outings in the Age Concern Bus, and the driver refresher workshops, to help older drivers drive safely.  


For those who may not have a car or are no longer able to drive Age Concern runs a Total Mobility Scheme, which provides eligible people with taxi discounts.





Posted by George Stewart on 22 Feb 22


With all the Christmas festivities over we look forward to 2022 as being, we hope the start of a better New Year.


We at Village Radio wish all our listeners a Very Happy and Healthy New Year.  


Don't forget to keep those requests coming in (571-3710) all our announcers love to hear from you.  We have some 150,000 tracks in our record library so I am sure there is something for you all.


Posted by Sheila Lacey on 01 Jan 22


Chair of the Government's Commission, to replace our former city councillors, Anne Tolley, was our studio guest on Monday afternoon, during George Stewart's programme.

The interview covered some of the main issues facing the commissioners, when they took over from what has been described as "a disfunctional local body", following the resignation of the mayor, Tenby Powell.

Anne also revealed the rather exciting plans for a totally rebuilt city centre, when the council buildings and the library are demolished .  These will include a new hotel on the former "TV3 " site, a museum, a brand new library, a "whare" and the end of car parking along the Strand.

Mrs Tolley also shared the concerns of the business and local community, who are looking forward to some progressive and visionary people, who would be willing to stand as councillors next year, when local body elections are held once more.

The Commissioner passed on her best wishes to our listeners for a Happy Christmas and New Year.

Posted by George Stewart on 21 Dec 21


All of the Village Radio Volunteers would like to wish all our listeners and sponsors a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. We thank you all for your continued support.


On Christmas Day from 8-00am until 10-00am we have Peter Shaw 'live' on air so keep those phone calls coming in with requests or a chat.

The rest of Christmas Day will be pre-recorded music from our Chairman, Steve Lambie, which gives our Volunteers time with their families.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 17 Dec 21


George Stewart’s Studio Guest this week (Monday 29 November) was the Western Bay of Plenty Health and Disability Service advocate, Emma Ngawhare.

Emma provides free support to resolve concerns or complaints for people who may have received unsatisfactory or unresolved treatment from health providers such as dentists, hospitals, rest homes, home care providers, midwives or optometrists. 

Emma explained that everyone using a health and disability service has the protection of The Code Of Health and Disability Services Consumer Rights. As an independent advocate Emma is available to anyone who wishes to make a complaint, if they feel their rights, dignity or treatment have been less than satisfactory. 


She told our listeners that she can be contacted either at her office, at the Historic Village, or on the Health and Disability free phone line , 0800 555 050, or on the web site at

Posted by George Stewart on 30 Nov 21


It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of ex announcer, Keith Spooner aged 98 years. 

Keith was one of the pioneers of Village Radio and did much in his many years as a Volunteer in the 80's. 90's and the early 2000 to promote us to many parts of the World, long before social media.

In his later life he unforunately lost his sight so relied on his love of music to keep his spirits up.  I visited him on many occasions and we could talk for an hour or more about yesteryear nostalgic music, I will very much miss our talks.


The photo of Keith and Sheila was taken at one of Village Radio's Mid Year Christmas Parties.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 25 Nov 21


An avid radio DX'er in Berlin has tuned into Village Radio, after using the internet to access a special listening site in Rotorua, which is able to pick up Village Radio at perfect strength and quality.
Gerald Puhlmann sent a detailed reception report to our technicians after listening to Kate Pollock and Jim Byrnes’s programmes on Wednesday morning, 10th November 2021. Complimenting them on an excellent choice of music.
This is certainly the longest distance listener that has ever tuned into Village Radio, that we are aware of.  (Dx is Radio code for long distance Radio transmission).

Posted on 21 Nov 21


Last night was Village Radio's AGM and we have a new Committee. They are as follows:-  


Chair Person          Steve Lambie   

Vice Chair             Graeme Millow  

Station Manager    Tony Rhind   

Secretary              Kate Pollark  
Treasurer              Kelvin Roach 

Committee:-         Erroll Hay  

                           Peter Donnelly   

                           Murray Maunder 


Photo of Chairperson Steve Lambie

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 18 Nov 21


This week’s “Concert Hour” on Monday 1 November included a visit and interview with the Bay of Plenty Symphonia’s Musical Director, Justus Rozemond.  Justus told announcer George Stewart there was now unfortunately a limit on how many people could be admitted to Baycourt, to hear their final concert for 2021, “Northern Lights”, with just 190 seated in “bubbles” 3 metres apart. Another disappointment due to the Covid travel restrictions was that some of the orchestra’s members residing in the Waikato, were unable to take part.


But on a positive note Justus had secured one of New Zealand’s renowned violinists. Martin Riseley, to play Sibelius’s technically demanding Violin Concerto, which would be the “Centrepiece” of the afternoon concert, on 21 November. Tickets available via Ticketek or Baycourt Office.


Posted by George Stewart on 02 Nov 21


The Managing Director of Kiwi Bus Builders, Richard Drummond, was our studio guest this week, on George Stewart’s afternoon programme. At present their highly skilled staff are busy making 31 Double Decker Electric buses for the Wellington Regional Council.

It all started almost 30 years ago when Richard had a conversation with Tony Lugg, who had the contract to provide a suburban bus service in Tauranga.  After building their first school bus for Reporoa Valley Transport, in a large shed in Alach Street, they built 6 more 46 seater ones. They are now located in Tauriko.


In 2011 Richard entered an agreement with Alexander Dennis Ltd in the UK to import and assemble 120 “Enviro 200” buses for the NZ Bus company. Later this order was extended by a further 40. Those orders were worth 40 million pounds! At one stage Kiwi Bus Builders

had a staff of 200, with a depot in Wellington repairing crashed buses, but with the Covid Pandemic, the demand for tour coaches has dropped right off.


By the end of the 1990’s Kiwi Bus Builders were the leading coach builders in NZ, having built up excellent customer service, innovative engineering design and advanced assembly techniques.


Posted by George Stewart on 02 Nov 21


Our studios were transformed into scientific class rooms yesterday 27 September when The House of Science arrived with two groups of students aged between 7 and 10. 

We had been asked to tell the children how the Radio Valve and the Loudspeaker evolved and worked....George Stewart had mounted a board with a selection of valves dating from 100 years ago while our technical specialist, Ted Adelman had produced a wonderful assortment of sound reproduction devices, including a mint condition 100 year old Edison Bell phonograph, with a horn of almost 1 metre in length. Another was a 1920 His Masters Voice Gramaphone and a 1915 Horn Speaker from a Radio. These were each played live on air during Errol Hay's morning programme. 


Ted explained how sound, using an assortment of magnets, diaphragms, wires and a visual display via a laptop is created, and recorded, using the early wax cylinders and how the grooves in a gramophone record mimic the sound from the voice, or instrument.   


 Photo of the 1902 Edison Bell Phonograph (Horn held by a music stand) For further photos visit our Photo Gallery

Posted by George Stewart on 28 Sep 21


George Stewart to-day interviewed Volunteer extraordinaire Alan Pine. Alan has been a Volunteer for 62 years with St John Ambulance as a Tauranga Health Shuttle Driver.  


He joined St John in Auckland in 1955, he started in the Youth Programme and says in many ways it has not changed. The highest award for a cadet is to aim for was the Grand Prior badge and still is. When he became 'too old' for the cadets he took on the role of youth cadet divisions both in Auckland and Tauranga. He later became District Officer of Cadets.


At one stage he was responsibile for providing the volunteer medical cover for the Commonwealth Games in Auckland. He took three weeks off work and was flat out organising about 135 volunteers that they got in for the games.    Alan says being a part of St John is a good pastime even if you’ve got full time work.  Alan's career was in the Insurance industry.


In 1998 Alan received St John's highest honour when he was made Knight of Grace.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 20 Sep 21


Tauranga Village Radio, 1368 AM will be back on the air, from tomorrow, Wednesday  8 September with Kate Pollock at 8am followed by Jim Brynes and then Brian Williams with the Jazz Hour. 

The non commercial Community Radio Station, which broadcasts from the Historic Village, in 17th Avenue, has been off the air since the country went into " Lockdown ". 


(Village Radio would welcome more volunteers, especially in the studio technical operations area, with full training given. Apply by contacting the station on 07-571-3710).

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 07 Sep 21


Nigel Tutt is the CEO of the Western Bay of Plenty ratepayer funded Economic Development organisation, "Priority One".  He was interviewed on George Stewart's program on Monday. 

He has a staff of 16 working in Tauranga, to build on the sub-region's competitive advantages, which aims to bring innovation, new business and new companies, to our fast growing community. 


Posted on 27 Jul 21


The Ethnic Police officer working in our Multicultural community, Jason Wharewera was interviewed by Shirley Huber, from the Filipino community.  Jason was born and bred in Malaysia, and is of Maori and Chinese descent.  Shirley also interviewed the current President of Tauranga Multicultural, Premila D'mello.

Other ethnic groups involved in the Monday broadcasts are from the Chinese and Nepalese communities.

Posted on 27 Jul 21


Listeners to Village Radio should be picking up a much stronger signal now that a cabbage tree was cut down that had grown up into the transmission aerial at the Historic Village.


We are hoping that some of our listeners experiencing below standard reception will beable to hear much clearer.


Posted by Sheila Lacey on 16 Jul 21


The 20th to 26th June is National Volunteer Week. There are approx 1,008,000 as at 2018.  


At Tauranga Village Radio we have 27 Volunteers. We broadcast approx 64 hours per week. An average week we need 21 announcers and 4-5 panel operators.  Each announcer does a 3 to 5 hour broadcast but add to that the program preparation time of 2-3 hours.    

The hours being 7 days per week, the only day we do not do a live broadcast is Christmas Day, but a Volunteer does go into the studio so that a pre-recorded playlist can be aired. 


Our broadcast hours :- 

8-00am to 10-00am,  

10-00am to 1-00pm   

1-00pm to 5-00pm   


We also have a librarian, web support, technicians, a Committee of 8, who are made up of the Volunteers, they all work as Volunteers behind the scences.   


The satisfaction of all our Volunteers is knowing that they can bring enjoyable, varied, musical programmes and a friendly voice into the homes of our listeners.





Posted by Sheila Lacey on 22 Jun 21


Tauranga Community Police Constable Jenna Southon talked with Geprge Stewart on our Monday afternoon broadcast about her role as a Community Police Officer.     

The main role is to be visible, accessible and familiar to the community.  Community constables focus on problem solving and crime prevention at a local level. She outlined some of the preventive measures against crime.  


Jenna covers the Tauranga area out as far as Omokora. Her regular work may include walking the beat, talking to business owners and pedestrians, meeting with community groups, schools and organisations, identifying community concerns, and building partnerships with the community, government and non-government agencies. Liasing with community patrols who are all Volunteers and report anything suspicious as well as patroling schools, sports venues and other organisations. 


The photo is of Police Constable Jenna Southon out on patrol




Posted by Sheila Lacey on 21 Jun 21


Samuel Lacy was a 16 year old when he joined us as a Volunteer from 2016 to 2020. He left to go to University and for one day only returned to broadcast with Peter Donnelly on the Monday 7th June. Here is Chairman Brian Williams presenting Samuel with a Certificate of Appreciation for the time he spent as a Village Radio Volunteer before he returns to University.

Posted on 07 Jun 21


I was trolling through Village Radio's Archives and came across a file that was compiled by Keith Spooner and who donated his files to Tauranga Village Radio. I would like to share part of it with you.  


"On the weekends when Telethon took over the Country (1975 to 1993) for 2 days, Village Radio did it's share broadcasting for 27 hours non-stop receiving pledges and replaying them to Wellington and playing requests.  We installed extra desks and our technical volunteers connected extra phone lines.  Announcing staff were all roped in to work and I remember that I drew the short straw doing the 'dog watch' from 12 til 4-00am in the morning. (Of course Keith played "It's 3 o'clock in the morning" dead on time!!)  

Stars arrived from all over the world and musical partners Tony Hatch, who wrote the songs and  his wife, Jacqui Trent who was the singer, arrived by helicopter on the road outside the Village gates and rattled their collection buckets amongst the crowds. We don't have Telethons anymore I don't know why as they raised a lot of money and were heaps of fun." 


Keith is now in his nineties and lives in Radius Matua Rest Home and if not for his record keeping we would have lost much of the history of our station.


Photo - Keith Spooner taken last year. 



Posted by Sheila Lacey on 29 May 21


George Stewart’s special guest this week was the Government’s lead Commissioner for the city of Tauranga, Anne Tolley.
Mrs Tolley, along with Tauranga planning consultant Bill Wasley, infrastructure and transport specialist Stephen Selwood, and Shadrach Rolleston, a consultant in cultural and strategic advisory matters, were appointed to replace the former dysfunctional Tauranga City Council.
Mrs Tolley says the first thing they found, after taking over, was a city that was  “overwhelmed by growth”. She agreed that the lack of planning for transport and increased traffic were the main topics many people raised, when they were out and about, meeting and talking to residents and groups. 
Other topics George questioned her on were the role of the Regional Council, which has large cash reserves, the now empty shops in the CDB and Devonport Road, the role of the University, some planned new retail outlets, and a need for an International Hotel.
Anne Tolley says a new Cultural Centre is being planned an entire city block in Willow Street, once the present Council buildings and the library are demolished and the site cleared.

Posted on 03 May 21


Toko Tukutai was farewelled by his fellow Volunteers at a dinner on 28th April.  His last broadcast was last Saturday, the 17th. He has been our popular Saturday morning announcer for some time taking over from the late Brian Cotter.  
Toko and his wife, Ngaire will be retiring to the Linda Jones Retirment Village in Hamilton where some of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren live.
Toko spent 27 years in the NZ Army and has been involved as a Volunteer in many organisations and we were please to welcome him to the "Village Family" when he joined Village Radio.
The photo is Toko with the Certificate of Appreciation that was presented to him on the night.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 29 Apr 21


What a GREAT 37th Party Village Radio had. Some 70 plus Listeners and Volunteers attended the party held at the Volunteer Coastguard Headquarters at Sulphur Point Marina (they kindly donated the use of their facialities to us). GREAT company, GREAT music, with our own Ken Wadsworth playing the saxaphone and Steve Lambie supplying the nostalgic music.  GREAT food and lots of laughter. In a few days time we will be adding a lot of photos on our Website Photo Gallery.




Photo of our lovely cake, as there was some left we shared it with some of the other tenants in the Historic Village

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 20 Apr 21


April 13th 2021 Tauranga Village Radio celebrated 37 years of broadcasting by using our oldest transmitter, a 84 year old Collins one kilowatt which was built at Cedar Rapids, Iowa U.S.A. It was one of 4 purchased by the New Zealand Government for the new commercial Stations in 1936.  In 1960 it came to Paengaroa near Te Puke to be used to run 1ZD Tauranga and then on to us.




On the 5th January 2013, the then 75 year old Collins Transmitter, went on air without a hitch. The transmitter is only the second known or could be the only one to be operating in the world and was restored by our technicians at Village Radio, Russ Bain, George Stewart and Neil Walsh. It has been out of action for over 13 years but has been painstakingly restored by the technicians and a grant from the Lotteries Commission.




As the photo shows Ted Adelman another volunteer technician, is firing up the Collins for it's broadcast this morning and true to form the transmition ran smoothly without a hitch.





Posted by Sheila Lacey on 13 Apr 21


Tauranga Village Radio was a hive of activity on Tuesday 30th March. Haydn Jones from TV1's "Good Sorts" (which acknowledges people doing good things in their community), was in our studio to film a segment for his TV show. We even got him to broadcast a message live on air which he seemed to enjoy doing. You can see this clip on our Facebook page.  Watch this Sunday 4th April just after the 6pm News and before Country Calandar.  

Altho he was filming for nearly three hours he edits the footage down to a 2.20 minute clip. The announcer for the morning were Peter Donnelly with Kate Pollock putting on the records. Then at 10-00 Graeme Millow took over. Also contributing were Chairperson, Brian Williams, Station Manager, George Stewart and Secretary/Web Support, Sheila Lacey.



Photo - Haydn Jones in Village Radio's studio.


Posted by Sheila Lacey on 01 Apr 21


To-day, Thursday 25th February, George Stewart interviewed, Julie Green the President of the Tauranga Historical Society.  The objectives of the Society are to foster and maintain an appreciation of places and objects of historic interest particularly in the Bay of Plenty, to encourage the study and research of local history and to manage, preserve and display the Brain Watkins House as a house museum open to the public. This was gifted with all it's contents to the Historical Society by Elva Brian-Watkins in 1979.   


Julie told George of the Brain Watkins Garden Party celebrating the 42nd year it has been put on. It will be held on Sunday the 7th March at 1-30 to 4 pm.  The main attraction is a Costume Competition, the public are asked to dress in costumes of yesteryears. There will be Live Music, Tour of the Historic Home, a variety of stalls and afternoon tea.  


Julie also said that they are always looking for new Volunteers and anyone interested should contact the Society via there website. 




Photo - Julie Green in our studio


Posted on 25 Feb 21


George Stewart’s Studio Guest on Monday 22 February was the newly elected president of U3A in Tauranga , Anne Withy. Anne explained that the purpose of this international organisation is to encourage further learning by listening, understanding, contributing and participating in discussion and relevant excursions about new topics.

There are just under 1000 members in Tauranga, with around 100 groups the members can join, from interests including Jazz and Blues, Current Affairs, History, Geology, to Hiking or even Ethnic Dining!  Meetings are held in the members’ homes or in local halls.

Once a month the members can meet at the Tauranga Yacht Club for a social morning where invited keynote speakers present illustrated talks of major interest.


Posted on 23 Feb 21


A rather special guest on Village Radio this week was 100 year old Niel Randrup, a former jazz saxophonist and musical director of the Tauranga Big Band.   


Niel told announcer George Stewart how he first met up with tap dancer / teacher and Crombie Murdoch’s vocalist, Pat McMinn, while he was with the Kiwi Concert Party in Australia. They were later married in 1969. Pat was born in 1926 in Gisborne, where she started Highland Dancing. At the age of 15 she won a competition to sing at Auckland’s Dixieland Dance Hall. She later went on to sing and tap dance in the Kiwi Concert for the NZ troops in Korea. She died in Tauranga in 2018.


Niel’s first job after leaving school was as a pay clerk in the very large Westfield Freezing works. His first instrument was a cornet but he didn’t like that, so swapped it for a trumpet. Later the saxophone became his main musical instrument. Niel was a regular broadcaster in bands that used to be feature on radio station 1YA Auckland, and was invited to play with visiting overseas jazz bands, including Artie Shaw and Nat King Cole.


In later years in retirement he joined the Tauranga Big Band and became an arranger and the band’s leader.


Photo - George Stewart interviewing Niel at his home.



Posted on 22 Jan 21


Village Radio’s final studio guest interview of the year was on Christmas Eve, with the Mayor of the Western Bay of Plenty, Garry Webber.  

Announcer George Stewart asked Mr Webber how his team coped during the Covid Pandemic lockdown, and if there were any major issues facing the Western Bay of Plenty.  


Other topics discussed included coastal erosion at Waihi, Pukehina and Omokoroa : The amazing facilities that are provided at the TECT all terrain park, off SH 36 : and the Technology innovation park at Katikati. Mr Webber said thanks to Government funding, plans were well underway to see much needed traffic improvement to the Northern Link, between Te Puna and Omokoroa and new roading constructed for the proposed Industrial Park, at Rangiuru. 
He told the listeners that his organisation is well served with it’s current team of elected councillors, and just gets on with their work, without any fuss and without any headlines in the local media. 


Mr Webber thanked Village Radio for the opportunity to come in and talk about the Western Bay and wished all our listeners a very Happy Christmas and a great New Year in 2021








Posted on 01 Jan 21


The Volunteers of Village Radio would like to wish all our loyal listeners a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, PEACEFUL AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Christmas party and look forward to meeting you all at our next function.

Christmas Day, Peter Donnelly will be presenting 'Music Only' so he can be home with his family during the day. Then it is back to normal for our Volunteer announcers after Christmas Day, so please let them know you are listening and ask for a request - 571-3710.


Posted on 18 Dec 20


To-day, 5th December 2020 is International Volunteer Day. This years International Volunteer Day theme is Together We Can. In 2018 there were 1,008,000 Volunteers, meaning that 21.5% are estimated New Zealanders participating in 'formal volunteering'.


Here at Village Radio we try and celebrate our wonderful Volunteers not one day or even a week but every day. Their dedication to bringing enjoyable, varied, musical programmes from bygone days to our listeners is exceptional.   Volunteers generously give their time to make nonprofit and charity organization events or programs run smoothly. Acknowledgement of this selfless effort from time to time helps remind these individuals of their importance to the greater good. 

National Volunteer Week 2021 will run from 20-26 June 2021.   

Posted on 05 Dec 20


It was with great sadness that Village Radio Volunteers heard of the passing of Brian Cotter on Friday 27th November, in Napier.

Brian was with Village Radio for just a few years but the impact he had was extraordinary.  He called us his "Village Radio Family", a name which is now used a lot by his fellow Volunteers.

He was an announcer, and his Saturdy morning programmes always had his infectious chuckle and knowledge of the music he played. He did numerous interviews of his fellow entertainers (which are all on this website) and was a great promoter of Village Radio.

"Too Bloody Busy To Grow Old" was a biographical book he launched at his 90th Birthday Party in 2019. It was aptly named as it took ill health to slow him down. 

It is no good saying rest in peace Brian as even in heaven you will be organising parties, the entertainment and the music. We will just say farewell and God Bless you will be missed.   Your Village Radio Family.




Posted by Sheila Lacey on 29 Nov 20


Carole Marsden, announcer and co-ordinator of The Friends of Village Radio has had to resign due to health problems.

Carole was on air every Tuesday morning doing her programme of nostalgic music. During her programme she also played the Listeners Choice Requests.

These are requests which for a small donation, you can pick 10 of your favourite tunes to be played on air.  This will now be taken over by Steve Lambie.

We, her fellow Volunteers wish Carole better health in the future and thank her for being part of the "Village Family".


Posted on 27 Nov 20


The yearly Tauranga Village Radio Museum Inc AGM was held yesterday (18th November) and the results were:-


Chairperson                Brian Williams

Vice Chairperson         Graeme Millow

Station Manager         George Stewart

Treasurer                   Kelvin Roach

Secretary                   Sheila Lacey

Committee Members:- Errol Hay, Kate Pollock, Peter Donnelly 


Photo Our Chairperson, Brian Williams

Posted on 19 Nov 20


Diane Blackmore of Cohesion Web Design, who was the originator of our webpage, has been working on a new way to view our photos.


They are now in "Albums" and by putting your cursor over one of the photos displayed it will tell you what that album is about.  By clicking on it the photos can be viewed one by one by using the arrow to the right or back to the left.


Try it out you may be in the Gallery!


Photo is of Diane Blackmore

Posted on 19 Nov 20


On Monday George Stewart spoke with Marc Anderson the Director of this years Garden and Art Festival, which is on the 19th to 22nd November.  270 gardens were viewed in the Western Bay before selecting the 70 which will be open and which you can visit.

There will be around 100 artists on display – with that number comprising of individual artists as well as groups, such as Tauranga Art Society and Bethlehem Pottery Club.


Bloom in the Bay – the Festival Hub is at Tauranga Racecourse. Live Music • Kids Zone • Food Trucks • Bar • Stage Acts • Presentations & Workshops • Creative Demonstrations • Art Exhibitions • Flower Displays • and More.


Posted on 17 Nov 20


Carole Gordon, MNZM social justice advocate was in our studio talking with George Stewart. She first talked about her involvement with the new Bee Card that allows you to travel free on the Bay Hoppers buses from 9-00am going to many of the suburbs and beyond.    


Carole next discussed Covid and the impact on the elderly in our community. She is at present doing research into this subject. It is important to get the views of the elderly for policies and plans so that if Covid becomes prevalent again it can be acted upon. It is ground breaking work and as Carole stated ‘older people get forgotten’. There is another project, “Have Our Say”, being conducted by Te Arai Research Group, based at the School of Nursing, University of Auckland which is a similar study but is complimentary to Carole’s study. She works with the local councils and DHB’s and has a great compassion for the work. 


Carole has organised a questionnaire on how different elderly people have coped with being ‘isolated’ for weeks. Her connect number is 027-571-6422, e-mail or text her, she would love to hear about your story and experience during Covid.

Posted on 29 Oct 20


Thursday, 22nd October was the day George Stewart interviewed Trevor Akoorie. He worked on the construction of the Kaimai Tunnel for 5 years, from early 1972 to December 1976. His official title at West Portal was Mechancial Overseer in charge of workshops and about 20 personnel. His team was made up of fitters, welders and mechanics mostly from the Matamata and Morrinsville area.   


After a Commission of Inquiry in 1963 a survey was done and was approved in 1965, tunnelling began in October 1965. The West Portal tunnelling began in 1969. Unfortunately in 1970 a cave in occurred trapping 12 men with a loss of 4 lives.   In June 1976 East and West Portal breakthrough was achieved with both sides meeting in the middle. 


The tunnel was officially opened in September 1978 by the then Prime Minister Robert Muldoon. The original estimate was $11m but being serveral years behind schedule the final cost was $56m. 


 During the interview we played an original Tape Recording (from our archives) of the first ground turning/gelignite blast at the site by the then Minister of Works, Percy Allen.


Posted on 23 Oct 20


Tony Rhind was the announcer for Tuesday (20th October) and who was kept busy on the phone with requests.  Luckily Sheila was on hand to take a group of ladies for a tour around our studios. The group were from the Wesley Methodist Women's Fellowship and attached is a photo of two of them,  Lola the Secretary and Monica Co-Treasurer.


Just as we said 'Good-bye' to the ladies we had a another group, a local couple from Tauranga and a couple from Auckland. The afternoon announcer Steve Lambie, was also kept busy with visitors and requests which rounded off a "Busy Tuesday"


Photo -  Left, Lola and right Monica in Studio 1

Posted on 20 Oct 20


A large crowd gathered at the Historic Village to welcome our Prime Minister Jacinda Arden. She had come to the Village to meet with some of the small businesses which are housed within the Village. She also met local community and business leaders.

As you can see from the photo she was surrounded at all times by people. Village Radio is highly visible and on the balcony, far right, the announcer for that morning Marion King, Eileen Roach, Librarian and Peter Donnelly taking some photos.

Posted on 09 Sep 20


Western Bay of Plenty District Council Mayor, Garry Webber was George Stewart’s guest on his show today. In a wide ranging interview Mayor Webber spoke about the $28 million package of “shovel ready” roading and water projects destined to transform Omokoroa into a bustling suburb of 12,000 residents, by 2060. He also covered the planned 148 hectare, $18 million Rangiuru Business Park, which will involve the construction of a motorway interchange with State Highway 2, and the Tauranga Eastern Link. It is estimated that 4000 jobs will be created at Rangiuru, which he described as the largest greenfield consented industrial zone in the Bay of Plenty, rivalling the present one at Tauriko.



Other areas Mr Webber spoke about included the exciting Horticultural Innovation Centre at Newnham Park, in Te Puna, which is home to Hella Vanilla, and some very Hi tech kiwifruit handling facilities.


The Interview rounded out with the news that 172 hectares of the eastern corner of Matakana Island, known as Panepane Point, is to be handed back to the five Ancestral owners of the land, which will see 7 hectares transformed into a public reserve and an improved wharf for the ferries to dock.


Posted on 13 Aug 20


Most of our Volunteers are multi talented and Eileen Roach is such a Volunteer.  She is our librarian and looks after our vinyl records, CD collection, enters all the afore mentioned onto our computer system. Shows visitors around the studios. Helps with our Facebook Page.  Helps with our Christmas function and if that is not enough has now become an Announcer.


Her first full broadcast was on Saturday 8th August.  Whilst she announced her husband, Kelvin put on the records.  He himself is a multi talented Volunteer.  He is our Treasurer and on the Board, trainer of new Volunteers, panel operator, also helps with our Christmas function. Buys all the day to day things needed to keep the station ticking along. 


The photo is of Eileen at her first full broadcast with her husband Kelvin.

Posted on 08 Aug 20


George Stewart’s Studio Guest this week was the Musical Director of the Bay of Plenty Symphonia, Justus Rozemond. Justus explained that the title of their next concert, “Triumph and Tribulation “, was an expression of the country’s ability to overcome the Covid 19 Pandemic virus, which is presently sweeping the World.


Justus is handing the baton to guest conductor Timothy Carpenter, a New Zealand born conductor, organist, cellist, and a singer, who is based in Hamilton. Justus will be playing a viola in the orchestra.


The first item on the programme will be Groendahl’s Trombone Concerto, played by Joe Thomas, who is currently an Itinerant Music Teacher in the Western Bay of Plenty. And once again members of the audience are not being charged, but are asked to pay “what they think it is worth and what they can afford “


The other items in the concert are compositions by Kenneth Young, Sibelius, and Poulenc.


The concert is at Holy Trinity Church, Devonport Road in Tauranga on Saturday 15 August, commencing at 2.30 pm



Posted on 31 Jul 20


 As a popular song says "Oh What A Night". Most of our Volunteers with their wives/husbands/partners gathered at the 88 Cameron Chinese Restaurant on Tuesday 28th July.  It was also a night that our Chairman, Brian Williams presented Announcer Brian Cotter with a certificate of appreciation from all of us at Village Radio.

Brian is moving to Napier in October and he will be sadly missed by all of us as always having an infectious laugh and great sense of humour plus his dedication to Village Radio in the few years he has been with us.  He calls us his Village Radio Family and I beleive that is an accurate statement.

It was a great party,  we as Volunteers don't see each other that often but when we do "Oh What A Night".


 Photo:- Brian Williams presenting Brian Cotter with the Certificate of Appreciation

Posted on 29 Jul 20


Ten ladies from Carmel Country Estate Retirement Village visited our studios on Thursday.  Although it was a wet miserable day outside they received a warm welcome from Volunteer, Steve Lambie, who gave them a tour of our studios and Museum .

The group is called the "Red Hat Dames" and they belong to the Red Hat Society. It is a Sisterhood of like minded women who make friends and enrich lives through the power of Fun and Friendship. They say they also look fabulous doing it!  The signature red and pink hats symbolise a movement of women determine to celebrate every stage of life.


Photo is of some of the Red Hat Dames in our studio 

Posted on 17 Jul 20


A Pilot Valve Radio was donated to Village Radio Museum on Monday by Allan Mordecai, a former NZBC Superintendant.

It is in good condition and works well.

Our Museum is open during our broadcast hours, so 'pop' along and see some of our vintage collection.

Posted on 14 Jul 20


Dr Phil Shoemack, BOP Medical Officer of Health, Toi Te Ora was George Stewart's guest in our studio. He is also a public health physician and the Medical Leader for the Bay of Plenty District Health Board Regional Community Services.

Dr Shoemack spoke of his resonsibilites and role in the current Covid 19 Corona Virus Pandemic.  There were over 50 reported cases in the Bay of Plenty of people being infected with the virus, a number were so ill they had to be hospitalised.

Phil's team of around 50 staff are responsible for checking the regions air and water quality, following up of any reported cases of Salmonella, Campylobacter Viral Infections, Shellfish Contamination and setting up teams to test people for the Corona Virus.

Phil is a keen advocate for safe cycling in an around Tauranga and rode his collapsible bike from Toi Te Ora Health on Cameron Road to Village Radio.

Posted on 02 Jul 20


During the Covide19 lockdown our friends from the Multicultural Society discontinued their broadcasts.  We are happy to announce that from Monday they will be broadcasting again.


Monday 15th  The Chinese Hour with Mimi Hung:


Monday 22nd : Korean programme with Lee Ha and her daughter


Monday 29th: The Filipino hour with Shirely Huber and Lolita



Posted on 14 Jun 20


George Stewart's guest this week was the Mayor of Tauranga, Tenby Powell.  


The Mayor talked about the first 200 days in office and some of the serious problems the new Council inherited.    


He has visions of upgrading the Kaimai Railway tunnel, running passenger trains to Auckland, double tracking the line from the Port of Tauranga to the new Inland Port at Ruakura, as well as the transfer of the Ports of Auckland container terminals to Tauranga, if the Auckland Port closes down..




With the City Council facing a massive deficit in its rates this year he has been meeting with Central Government to claim some hefty regional assistance packages, but Tauranga ratepayers will probably be looking at a small increase this year, of around 60cents per week. 


He is not in favour of closing the Begonia House in Robbins Park and wants to keep many of the Hanging Baskets, which give much pleasure to shoppers to the CBD. 


He sees the CBD becoming a residential suburb of Apartments which eventually will bring back the retail/bussiness community.  He could not say much about the failed Harington Street Parking Building except that Council will be attempting to recover as much money as possible.

Posted on 13 Jun 20


On Thursday, 13th May we begin our broadcasts again.  At 8-00am Kate Pollock will take us through to 10-00am


Then George Stewart followed at 1-00pm and including NZ Music at 4-00pm with Ken Wadsworth.


We have all missed playing your favourite nostalgic music and we are looking forward to your e-mails ( and telephone calls. Don't forget 571-3710 for your requests.

Posted on 12 May 20


COVID 19. It is with much regret that Volunteers of Tauranga Village Radio have decided to cease broadcasting as from tomorrow afternoon 22nd March. 

Most of our volunteers are over 70 and are of course in the vulnerable age bracket. We will keep everyone informed of any further development. To all our listeners, we thank you all for your ongoing support and we hope that we will be back on air very soon. Our very best wishes to you all.

Posted by Eileen Roach on 22 Mar 20


Tauranga Village Radio Museum has decided that until the Coronavirus epidemic subsides we will not be opening the Studios or our Museum to visitors.  The first time in 35 years!!


Another change, to keep our staff  safe, is to discontinue studio interviews. We, the Volunteers, will however continue to broadcast your nostalgic music as usual on 1368 on the AM band.


If you are in self isolation and feel you would like a chat, with the outside world, do not hesitate to call one of our caring announcers.  Also if you would like a piece of your favourite music played we are just a phone call away.  Phone 571 3710.

Posted on 20 Mar 20


Thanks to the effort and skill of a wonderful visitor we now have a detailed inventory of every item in our Radio Museum.  Lt Commander Jerry Anderson RN (rtd) and his wife travelled from the UK to be at the birth of their daugter's twins!

Over 4 weeks he has meticulously noted the location, make and model of every radio, turntable, tape recorder, etc creating a computer generated spreadsheet. On some days the tempreture in the Museum must have been in excess of 30 degrees.

This morning, Village Radio Chairman, Brian Williams presented Jerry with a signed certificate of appreciation, a thank you card and some New Zealand Wine.  


Posted on 27 Feb 20


On Saturday, 18th January Brian Cotter interviewed a very special guest, Corban Simpson from the New Zealand band BLERTA. 


The name was derived from the initials of a band formed by Bruno Lawrence, " Bruno Lawrence Electric Revelation and Travelling Aparition" formed in October 1971. 

While in Welllington after a tour of the Waiaprapa they had their first recording session at HMV studios.  From this session came "Dance All Around The World" the lyrics were written by George Murphy and the music was by Corban and sung by him. It made it to number 13 in the National Charts.

In 1973 they headed for Australia where they spent 18 months. Back in New Zealand, May 1976 they did a six part series for TV winning a Feltex Award.  They disbanded shortly after.

During the interview Corban did a song "Red Balloon" written by his friend, James Wairea and said that if he records another single itt is the song he would like to record. 



Photo Corban Simpson

Posted on 28 Jan 20


Saturday morning Brian Cotter interviewed Andrew Love who has a long time connection with Village Radio.  When he was with IZB they donated the transmitter and other equipment we have used for many years. 

He was born in England then he with his parents emigrated to New Zeland and settled in Tauranga. First job was with Bay Times, then 2 years later in 1970 with IZB, being then the youngest advertising agent. He said that in those days to be in radio was a "Glamour Job".  


He left to do his big OE and found a vacancy again in radio on his return.  He became the first ever to sell advertsing on commission.  In 1975 with some friends started the first ever Disco called Sgt Peppers Disco intitally for 1 night per week but which turned into 6 nights per week. One of his passions is sport and got to be a commentator for such things as the Rugby Spring Bok tour in 1981 and 1987 the First World Rugby Cup.   


2016 he remarried and he and wife Louise, bought a motorhome and travelled for 18 months visiting 48 countries.


Photo: Andrew Love with Brian Cotter in Studio 2.


Posted on 22 Dec 19


Tauranga's very busy Mayor, Tenby Powell was the special Christmas Guest this morning on Village Radio, with Station Manager, George Stewart.

In the 30 minute interview he covered the controversial Council decision to revoke the 'rough sleeping' ban on the homeless people in retail areas and the need to build 'up' in a sprawing City of Peninsulas.  The Mayor also emphasised how importanty it has been to involve Government Ministers and the Mayors of both the Regional and Western Bay of Plenty Councils, in getting vital projects underway.

He is adamant that the present location of the Council building in Willow Street is unsatisfactory and would like to see them headquartered in new premises, on the former TV3 site, now a car park across from Bay Court.

Other topics included the lack of a Museum, the poor use of buses, the need to better look after tourists and a new industrial development planned at Tauriko.  The Mayor also sent his best wishes to our listeners and Volunteers for Christmas and the New Year. George also took the Mayor for a tour around Village Radio's studios and the Radio Museum. 


Photo:  Mayor Tenby Powell in Village Radio's Studio 1

Posted on 19 Dec 19


In our studio on Saturday talking with Brian Cotter was Des Anderson, President of the Mount Lions Club accompanied by his daughter Brenda who hopes to recruit more females into the Club. 

Des was born in Wellington, he joined the Army in 1959 and trained in the SAS.  They were trained to go to Vietnam, but thought to be too agrassive did not go.  Later on leaving the Army he decided to go to Australia where he worked for a company which serviced 800 trucks for the US Army in Vietnam and which were driven by Vietnamese drivers.   




He returned to New Zealand in 1975 and wanting to give back to the community joined the Lions Club it was there that he met Brian Cotter. The Mount Lions have made donations to 13 organisations within the last 6 months. One little girl, Zahnee who had health problems was helped by Lions sponsoring a flight to the USA for treatment. Now 14 she wanted to 'pay it forward' by doing a sponsored climb to the top of Mt Maunganui and selling tee shirts at $20. She raised $6,000 donating it to the Lions for their community work.    The latest fundraiser for Mount Lions is getting donations of Christmas gifts to give to some 250 children. 


Photo of Des Anderson and his daughter Brenda in our studio 2.

Posted on 01 Dec 19


Visiting our studio last Saturday (23rd November) was Mike Lord and friend Dave Morgan.  Mike was interviewed on air by Brian Cotter. Now living at Greenwood Park Retirement Village it is a far cry from the Antarctic where Mike spent 13 months.  He came from Kenya to New Zealand in 1971, and later became part of a team that went to maintain Scott Base. He described himself as a "Jack of all Trades, but was at the time a registered Electrician.   

They had a radio station at the base run by the Americans stationed there.  They also borrowed movies from them for their entertainment. 

Mike left the base in 1978 when they celebrated the 21st anniversary of Scott Base being opened. He just missed New Zeland's worst airline disaster Mt Erebus in 1979. 


The photo shows Mike in Winter compared with Summer

Posted on 26 Nov 19


On Sunday the 24th November we had the Village Radio Christmas Party.  It was very well attended by both the Volunteers and Friends and listeners of our wonderful station.


The entertainment was by Jim Wood, our Friday morning announcer, along with his wife Zita and sister Kay. Brian Cotter was the Master of Ceremonies.  The party was funded by Village Radio as a BIG thank you to our listeners for their support. We also had several door raffles and food a plenty to eat. 


There was a Christmas Quiz and Sheila Lacey presented Steve and Judith (who unfortunately could not attend) a Certificate of Appreciation and a bunch of flowers provided by Eillen Roach.  They are still very active with the station but have stepped down after 5 years of being Chairman and Secretary respectively plus for the same length of time doing the sausage sizzle twice a month on a Sunday.


Jim Wood and the guests all sang Happy Birthday to our Station Manager, George Stewart whose birthday was on Sunday.


All in all a very, enjoyable afternoon.




The photo is Far left Zita Wood, Kay, Jim Wood

Posted on 25 Nov 19


The 20th November was our AGM meeting which was well attended by the majority of Volunteers. Here are the results of the nominations.


    Chairperson          Brian Williams


    Vice Chairperson   Brian Cotter


    Station Manager    George Stewart


    Treasurer              Kelvin Roach


    Secretary              Sheila Lacey


    Committee            Jim Brynes


                                Errol Hay


                                Marion King




    Photo                    Brian Williams

Posted on 21 Nov 19


5 years ago our Chairman, Steve Lambie and his wife Judith decided to have a Sausage Sizzle for Village Radio during the Historic Village Markets that are held there. The markets are every first and third Sundays of the month. It was to not only get revenue to keep the Station on air but also to give us a better profile. 

Steve and Judith have been getting to the Village at 6-45am for the markets twice a month to set up and get the 'sizzle' working. 

They have also had a constant supply of help from Kelvin Roach, Brian Williams, Sid Pavett, Neil Walsh, and a listener, Stan. 

It is to Steve and Judith's credit that the money raised over that 5 years added up to a whole year of us being able to broadcast.  

Steve and Judith would now like to travel and spend weekends away, so with no one to take on such an undertaking it was decided to call it a day. 

Both Steve and Judith said that they will miss working as a team and meeting all the local people. 


The photo is Kelvin, Stan, Brian, Steve, Judith and Neil (Missing from the photo is Sid Pavett)

Posted on 17 Nov 19


Some time ago now Graeme Crowther and his twin brother Christopher visited our studios from Auckland. They have been supporters of Village Radio for many years.

During Maria Burns Sunday programme, they announced a few songs during her broadcast.  Graeme phones our station on a daily basis to talk with our announcers.


The photo is of Graeme with Maria Burns

Posted on 11 Nov 19


Last Monday as part of the Multicultural Society of Tauranga broadcasts, the broadcast was given by the Nepalese community living in the Western Bay of Plenty. 

Anish Paudel came to NZ two years ago, he interviewed Bhakta Siwahang and thanked Pankaj Tripathi and Krishna Acharya for sharing their experiences as new comers to NZ.

He also thanked our own Brian Williams for his technical support.


The photo is everyone at our microphone in Studio One.

Posted on 11 Nov 19


We have many interesting items in our Museum at Village Radio and one is the AMPEX Series 351 Magnetic Tape Recorder/Reproducer which are high precision instruments designed for the professional user who requires the finest and most faithful recording and reproduction. It still works by the way! 


These recorders were purchased by the NZ Broadcasting Service during the early 1960's and were an integral part of every recording studio in the main broadcasting centres. 


The following tracks are on a tape which we have which was transferred from the NZBC Recording Centre in Wellington.


Track 1  1963 HM Queen Elizabeth at the Citizen's Welcome in Memorial Park, Tauranga. 


Track 2  1965 Govenor General Sir Bernard Ferguson laying the Foundation Stone of the Q.E.11 Youth Centre. 


Track 3  1965 Opening of the Kaimai Tunnel by the Minister of Works, Hon. Percy Allen. 


Track 4  1965 Oficial handing over at the Tauranga Harbour Board Wharves by Prime Minister Hon. Keith Holyoake. 


Track 5  1971 Lions Rugby Tour vs Bay of Plenty Score Lions 20 BOP 14.


Track 6  1961 Part of a feature "Desination Island" played on the day 1ZD Tauranga officially opened and started broadcasting, 25th February 1961

Posted on 05 Nov 19


On Monday 28th October, two delighful young ladies did a broadcast from our Studio at Village Radio.  What made it more special and a first for Village Radio was that they live streamed the broadcast to their Facebook Page.

During the programme their leader Shirley Huber read a poem and accompanied herself on the guitar.

Their second broadcast will be in a month's time.


The photo is Shirley Huber on the right and on the left, her colleague, Lolita Libeau.

Posted on 29 Oct 19


In our studio talking with Jim Wood on his Friday morning show was Sally and Brian Burgess. Sally is one of country's most accomplished and sucessful country music exports. 


Sally was born in Tasmania but spent most of her life here in New Zealand.  She went to a Country Music Club and as she said 'was hooked" on the music. In 1988 she won the Country Music Entertainer of the Year and in the same year Songwriter of the Year it has never been done before or since.   She is also a Registered Nurse. 


In 1994 with her husband Brian, decided to go to Nashville, Tennessee where they spent the next 25 years. They were able to get their 'Green Card' as Brian worked as a teacher to children with special needs. Sally has produced 7 CD's and Jim played a few of her tracks during the interview.  They have now returned to live in Tauranga. Her motto is "if you can swing it, I will sing it".


The photo of Sally Burgess was taken during her time in Nashville

Posted on 26 Oct 19


Brian Cotter turns 90 years young to-day (21st October). He often jokes that the day he was born was the Wall Street Crash (Black Tuesday) and that people were jumping out of windows!!  The only jumping on his birthday will be our Volunteers wishing him a Very Happy Birthday.

Brian who has 5 children, 10 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren helped him celebrate his birthday with a Gadsby themed party at the retirement village complex, Bayswater on Saturday evening.

Brian told his life story to fellow Volunteer Kate McCarthy, the result was a 247 page printed book, called "Too Bloody Busy To Grow Old". In true 'showbiz' style Kate McCarthy and Brian launched the book at the party. A copy of the book was handed out to all his family, some to his friends and some to various libraries including our own at Village Radio.

The evening finished with a great music concert by Back Porch.


Photo is Brian at his party with some of his grandchildren and partners and the great grandchildren.



Posted on 21 Oct 19


I have written before about our retired and much thought of by his fellow Village Radio Volunteers, ex-announcer, Keith Spooner. On Saturday he turned 96 years old. He is now in a Rest Home and I personally have been visiting him on a regular basis.  Before you know it 2 hours have gone by talking with Keith. He has a vast knowledge of music and I have learnt a lot by just talking with him.  


On Saturday I made sure that I was with Keith when Brian Wiliams one of our announcers dedicated a lovely segment of his program to Keith.  He not only gave Keith his and other Volunteer's there birthday wishes but said some really nice comments which Keith was extremely moved by.  Brian then went on to play 4 of Keith's favourite tunes.  Also with Keith was his daughter, Lesley, her husband Richard, Keith's granddaughter and her husband and even their pet dog Leo.  


We are very proud at Village Radio that our music and the contact that our announcers give to our listeners is sometimes the only communication and joy of early times they have.  



 Photo - Keith with Sheila Lacey at a previous Village Radio function



Posted by Sheila Lacey on 20 Oct 19


Brian Cotter's interview on his Saturday program was with Rosemarie McCarthy of International Entertainment. She was promoting the World Festival of Magic NZ which has been touring NZ for the past 30 years.

The shows are every November and December. 14 Lion Clubs throughout NZ host the shows which last for 90 minutes. Tickets cannot be purchased as they are all "complimentary". They are given to special needs children and their families to attend.

Tauranga City Sunraise Lions Club are hosts for the show at Bethlehem College Performing Arts Centre on Saturday 17th November at 4-30pm to 7-00pm.


Posted on 05 Oct 19


On Saturday 21st September we were pleased to accept the donation of a Columbus Mantle Radio.  It was donated by Sarah Menzies who had driven with friend Linda Sylvester, from Auckland to make the donation.

The radio had belonged to Sarah's grandparents, Jack and Elsie Menzies and on seeing our website Sarah decided that it would be the perfect place for the much loved radio to be in our Museum.   Her grandparents who lived in Birkinhead, Auckland had paid the princely sum of £26.


Photo is of left Linda Sylvester and right Sarah Menzies with the Columbus Mantle Radio


Posted on 22 Sep 19


Our announcer Brian Cotter was watching TV One News on the 18th August and the segment "Good Sorts" turned out to be about his very good friends Ngaire and Ernie Lepper from Matamata. So on Saturday 24th he decided to interview them by phone about their voluntary work with Matamata Community Health Shuttle.

They have spent the last 11 years driving people to their hospital appointments. There are no public transport facilities either to Hamilton or the Hospital from Matamata so they help provide a viltal service.

Ernie was given 2 years to live, that was 10 years ago, so he says he knows what people are going through.  They also acknowledged the people that are also involved in the charity.



 Photo of Ngaire and Ernie Lepper sitting in the Shuttle

Posted on 24 Aug 19


Jim Brynes interviewed Julie Batson, Sales Executive and Administrator with The Vines Retirement Village at Bethlehem.

The Village is on 12 hectares and is positioned on what was once the iconic Mills Reef Winery.  You can choose from one of two or three bedroom villas in detached and duplex configurations plus garaging.

The complex is close to all shops, supermarket and walking tracks at Bethlehem. 


The photo is of Julie Batson.

Posted on 14 Aug 19


George Stewart had the pleasure of interviewing two accomplished ladies in our studio.  The first was Jo Bond, The Tauranga Festival Director. This years Festival is from the 24th October to the 3rd November and has participants from USA, Germany, Scotland, Canada and Australia as well as some major home-grown talent. Jo has travelled extensively to find the right people for the biennial Festival.  There is something for everyone and quite a few of the events are already sold out.



The second guest was Millie Newitt, the Mainstreet Tauranga Co-ordinator at Downtown Tauranga.  She has arranged this month's Taste Tauranga, featuring numerous Tapa Tastings, with around 31 Resturants, Cafes and Bars taking part.  The event finishes at the end of the month. For further information,  contact .


The photo is of Jo Bond









Posted on 13 Aug 19


Gray Bartlett was interviewed by Brian Cotter on his Saturday morning show.  Gray had a fundraiser for the Variety Artists Club the night before with, Brendan Dugan, Jodi Vaughan and special guest Carson Taare aged 17 who is appearing with The Glenn Miller Band Tour, he is proving to be very popular and  even at his young age has had great exposure in America. 


There are 21 people coming out from America with the Band and they sell out all over the world, in fact they are booked 3/4 years ahead.   They are run by a Foundation which involves the Glenn Miller family. 


There is a show in Hamilton on the Friday, 6th September, 7-30pm, you can either have theatre tickets or add dine/dance  as well. There is also a concert in Auckland on the 8th September.  4 free tickets were on offer, but it did not take long for them to be snapped up.  You can get your tickets through Ticketek .  




 Photo of Carson Taare



Posted on 03 Aug 19


George Stewart's studio guest this week was the General Manager of Age Concern Tauranga, Tanya Smith.

Age Concern offers many social and physical activities for the older residents of Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty. Some examples are : Safe With Age Driver tutorials, "Steady as You Go" falls prevention classes,  Walking Groups, Coffee and Conversation groups, as well as Mini Bus Adventures and outings for the men. A monthly meeting at the Tauranga RSA, with a keynote speaker, which attracts large numbers.  People living alone can also have an Accredited Visitor to call and keep them company for an hour.

To become a member costs just $25 per household.  Enquiries to 07 578 2631


Photo:- Tanya Smith in our studio.

Posted on 25 Jul 19


On his morning show Brian Cotter gave a salute to the Moon Landing, 50 years ago through stories and music.   

Although the live TV pictures were broadcast in the UK on Sunday night 20th July 1969, New Zealand had to wait until Monday 21st, 1969, after the film of the moon landing arrived in Wellington via a Royal NZ Canbarra bomber, which was used to fly the tape over the Tasman. It was taken to the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation in town where it played on the news that evening.

Village Radio's link with this historic event was that one of our later announcers and volunteer, Colin McLean, was with the NZBC at the time and was there to help with the broadcast of the landing.

Posted on 20 Jul 19


Brian Cotter's guest to-day was Mahora Peters lead singer and founding member of the legendary Maori Volcanics. Born in the Hikirangi she has travelled all over the world, 53 countries infact, with the Show Band.

Two of our greatest entertainers started out with the Volcanics, Prince Tui Teka (8 years) and Billy T. James (4 years).

Mahora and her husband Billy Peters have kept the group going and after 5 years in Las Vegas are now back in New Zeland touring once again. In fact prior to the interview they had been playing at the Citz Club here in Tauranga. They will be touring other parts of New Zealand before returning once again to Las Vegas.

In 2011 they received the award for a Lifetime Contribution to Maori Music.


Photo is of Mahora and husband Billy Peters.

Posted on 13 Jul 19


On Monday 8th July, Village Radio will be commencing it's first new Multi Cultural Broadcast at approx 5-00pm. 


Haidee Kalirai is from the Tauranga City Council and she will be talking about her work welcoming new arrivals from India and other countries to our beautiful city.   


Co-hosting the new programme will be the Manager of the Tauranga Regional Multicultural Society, Waitsu Wu, who is from Taiwan. 


Also included will be music from the various countries. 


On the 14th July, Waitsu will host a presenter, from the Chinese Friendship Society and the Wisdom Mandarin School, who will be talking about their work with the Chinese Community. 



Photo is of Waitsu Wu

Posted on 05 Jul 19


Jim Peterson of Westbay Real Estate was interviewed by George Stewart on his Thursday morning show.  Jim gives 20% of the full commission to registered charities and once the property is sold the donation is made. 


Over the last 18 months $30,000 has been donated to 7 different charities.  The latest being $8,500 to the Neurological Foundation. Jim stated that it was a privilege for him to be able to do this.


Jim was a registered builder for 22 years and has been in Real Estate for 28 years.  One of 500 Volunteers, Jim is with the "Good Neighbour" charity - Food Rescue - Their statement is "No Waste No Hunger - Redistributing food good enough to eat but not good enough to sell".  They collect food from 13 Supermarkets, Cafes and other food outlets which cannot be sold and then redistributed to 50 needy charities around Tauranga Monday to Friday. 1.8 tonnes of food is collected for distributing every day throughout New Zealand.


You can contact Jim on 0800-220012 or



Posted on 13 Jun 19



Interviewed by George Stewart on his Thursday morning show, Constable Elliot Hira, who is the Programme Co-ordinator of NZ Blue Light Ventures was in our studio. 

They are based in Tauranga and are actively seeking qualified motor vehicle drivers to 'mentor' young people, to gain their own driver's licence. 

The 'mentor" would be required to have a 'clean' licence and be able to devote one day a week for up to 6 months to instruct a teenager how to drive and pass their learner licence. 

The programme is aimed at preventing young un-licenced drivers from getting into cars and starting life with a convication, or worse, fleeing from police and crashing.


For further information go to  


Constable Elliot Hira in our studio.

Posted on 31 May 19


From the 4th June Village Radio will be broadcasting from 8-00am in the morning instead of 10-00am.  This will be a trial period of 3 months. We need to know if you the listeners think we should continue with the early start. So please let us know either by ringing the studio (571-3710) or posting your approval on our Facebook Page.

Errol Hay will be broadcasting the first programme starting at 8-00am.  Errol has been a volunteer panel operater for a while but this will be his first as an announcer.


Posted on 28 May 19


Brian Cotter spoke with Allie Curran on his Village People show on Saturday.  One day while practising, with husband Bruce, on the back porch at their Miner's cottage in Coromandel, they decided on the name for their duo band, Back Porch.

Allie plays Ukulele which she taught her self and also the Mouth-organ.  Bruce plays the guitar, he had a band that played in the Bars and Universty gigs around Dunedin and asked Allie to join him.

They moved to Wanganui and then the Coromandel where they lived in the Miner's Cottage. It was somewhat run down, which they renovated, and it even had a Goldmine on the property but unfortunately they never found any gold. After entertaning in the area for a while they moved to Tauranga which they love.  

Brian Cotter read an article about them and asked them to perform at Bayswater Retirement Village. They were soon involved in doing shows for other Retirement Villages, Clubs and Markets.

Most unusal gigs, Whangamomona Hotel on Republic Day where a man, on a horse, rode through the pub and a Sun Club where everything was "Most Natural" according to Allie!!!

Posted on 26 May 19


Carol Storey is a Maori singer/songwriter and comes from Opotiki but lives in Tauranga. Carole has been entertaining for some years and is now the Music teacher at Tauranga Intermediate School.  A job she is passionate about.

The Torch Songs Band started in 1997 as a duo, Carol on vocals and Liam Ryan, piano. Over 12 years another 4 musicians joined the band, Grant Mason - trumpet, Dave Maybee - guitar, Wayne Melville - bass and Neil Reynolds - drums.  The band has many jazz and festival headline appearances and three albums to their credit.  

This Mother's Day, 12th May, they will appear at The Citz Club, Cameron Road from 5-00 pm to 8-00 pm admission $15. If you want to hear spellbounding moments, jazz, coupled with the flavours of world music and great musicianship this is the event for you.



Posted on 11 May 19


The popular ex broadcaster Bonnie Leonard did the Sunday morning show on 5th May.  Bonnie who now lives in Gore could not get away with coming to Tauranga without broadcasting for Village Radio and her many listeners.

She was interviewed on the phone by Brian Cotter on his "Village People" show on Saturday morning leading up to the Sunday show.

As you can see from the photo no sooner had she answered one phone when the other one rang!  She was kept busy talking with many of our listeners and playing their requests.  Unfortunately Bonnie only visits once a year to announce much to the disappointment of her 'fans'.

She was assisted during the broadcast by Kelvin Roach playing the vinyl records, Eileen Roach getting out the requests and Sheila Lacey answering the phones.



Posted on 05 May 19


On the 25th April, ANZAC DAY, Bayswater Retirement Village remembered our gallant soldiers of the two World Wars, Vieitnam and Afghanistan who gave their lives so that we could live in peace.


The remembrance was in the form of a concert with songs and poems and our own Brian Cotter as Narrator. He used some of the equipment from our Museum including, a vintage 1939 microphone, a pair of 1920 old headphones  and a small xylophone, NZBC 1960 radio chimes used by commercial announcers in Napier.  


The photo shows Brian Cotter (far right) and the rest of the cast on stage.

Posted on 29 Apr 19


Nineteen of our 30 Volunteers got together for a 35th Anniversary photo shoot.  We are in Vintage Studio One at Village Radio.  

From left to right, Judith and Steve Lambie, Jim Brynes, Marion King, Graeme Millow, Errol Hay, Carole Marsden, Kelvin Roach, Neil Walsh, Brian Cotter, Brian Williams, George Stewart, Tony Rhind and Eileen Roach.

From left to right, Sheila Lacey, Shirley Hanly, Ken Wadsworth, Bonnie Cherrington and Peter Donnelly.

Posted on 24 Apr 19


Our 35th Birthday Party was on Sunday 14th April (Actual day was 13th April). It was attended by around 80 Volunteers and Listeners and it was a huge success. 

One of our guests was Tauranga Mayor, Greg Brownless who gave a speech about his father being an avid Village Radio listener and the Mayor's involvement with us over the years.

During the party certificates for long service were presented by Chairman Steve Lambie to, Shirley Hanly, Bonnie Cherrington, Kelvin Roach, Sid Pavett, Sheila Lacey, Neil Walsh and with over 22 years Russ Bain.

The beautifully made cake was made by the daughter of Steve and Judith Lambie, in fact we were loathed to cut it up!!

The entertainment was Tauranga's Blaze who had everyone shouting for more. 


The photo shows The Mayor, Greg Brownless, Station Manager George Stewart and Announcer/Raffle winner Shirley Hanly.

Posted on 15 Apr 19


Last Thursday (4th April) we had the pleasure of showing our Radio Station to a lovely reporter from the Bay Times, Jean Bell.  


Jean had come to talk to us about our celebrations to mark 35 years of broadcasting.  Our first broadcast being made on the 13th April 1984. We will be having a party on 14th April at Matua Bowling Club with entertainment by Blaze. 


Don't forget to check the Bay Times for Jean's article.


The photo is of Jean Bell with our announcer Brian Cotter.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 06 Apr 19


Visiting our studios on Friday was Kerry from Wales, UK.  Our announcer Jim Wood interviewed Kerry and found out that he had done several broadcasts with Kiwi announcers "spinning records".

Jim also got Kerry to announce some of the records being played during Jim's programme.


The photo is of Kerry at the mic.


Posted on 06 Apr 19


On the 1st March Brian Cotter interviewed Jim Munro, (See previous News Item) He is a songwriter and entertainer from Calgary, Canada who was here on a visit to see his daughter who lives in Tauranga, NZ.  He has been appearing at several Music Festivals throughout New Zealand including Taranaki, Hawkes Bay as well as Tauranga.
This Saturday, at 11-00am, on his morning show, Brian Cotter, will play a recent recorded interview he did with Jim before he left Tauranga, on Tuesday 26th March.  During his visit Jim wrote several songs two of which will be played during the programme.  One echoes the feelings of Canadians spending Christmas at the beach!  The other written a week before the tragedy in Christchurch, which almost reflects the love and compassion of New Zealanders during this time.

Posted by Sheila Lacey on 27 Mar 19


Listener, Mr John Gully from Matua has kindly donated a Loud Speaking Telephone to our Radio Museum. (See Photo).
It is a 1920's model C2, British Thomson-Houston (BTH) horn loudspeaker. It was made in Rugby, England of Bakelite construction. 
Also donated were two very old headphones one by Siemens of London and the other Omega made in Germany.
Come along to our Museum and see these and other wonderful exhibits from yesteryear.

Posted on 26 Mar 19


Brian Cotter had the privilege of interviewing one of New Zealand's greatest international stars, Sir John Rowles.  He was born in Whakatane but raised in Kawerau. He had 5 sisters and one brother. Two of his sisters were the subject of two of his number one songs,  'Cheryl Moana Marie' and 'Tania'.     
He left school at age 15 years and worked, among other things, a lumberjack.   He formed a band called the Kawerau Shadows, where he played lead guitar, the band took inspiration from The Shadows, including the dance steps,
He arrived in England in the late sixties where he recorded the smash hit "If I Only Had Time". It got to number 3 in the charts and stayed there for 18 weeks. He was just 20 years old.
In 1980 he received the O.B.E for his contribution to music and then in 2018 was awarded a knighthood from the Queen for his contribution to the entertainment industry along with his benevolent charitable involvement throughout his international career. 

Posted on 16 Mar 19


George Stewart's studio guest was Andy Somerville, the co-owner of No 8 Tours from Bethlehem. Andy was the son of a farmer, and grew up on a 16,000 acre hill country station in the Wairarapa.
With his wife Sarah, who grew up in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, Andy described how the company was formed some 10 years ago, after providing tours for the cruise ship industry and seeing a niche in the market for the more senior tourist. They have a door to door service with over 50 different tours available.
They quickly diversified to specialize in day and multi day excursions for the Senior community, right throughout New Zealand.  They are now one of the largest travel clubs in NZ, providing high quality trips to exotic places not seen by the average traveler. 

Posted on 01 Mar 19


A visit from the Vintage Car Club two weeks ago prompted one of their members to plan a group tour by Bethlehem Country Club.  Ten members attended and the photo shows some of them, with far left, Kelvin Roach and announcer for the day, George Stewart.
We welcome group tours but as our studios are somewhat small, large groups split into smaller groups would be preferable.

Posted on 01 Mar 19


Last Saturday, Brian Cotter, interviewed Jim Munro a Canadian from Calgary visiting his daughter here in Tauranga. He has been here for 2 months and was most impressed with our studio and museum.
He comes from a Military family and was born in Germany. He has been a Cowboy Guide in a Wilderness project and a North West Mounted Policeman. 
He is now a songwriter, plays guitar and started performing on radio and TV at about 40 years old!
One of his songs "That's Canada To Me" is a real patriotic song and has been performed by a National Choir on the Great Wall Of China. He has written two songs, while here in NZ, one "Kia Kaha" and "The New Phone" about the almost religious adoration of the same. 

The photo is Jim Munro in our studio.

Posted on 01 Mar 19


George Stewart's recent studio guest was a former Royal Navy communications officer, Lt. Commander Jerry Anderson.  His career included being posted on board nuclear powered submarines, based in Scotland.  Jerry is visiting his daughter in Tauranga when he called in at Village Radio Museum.
He spoke about the various ships and bases he was on including Greenwich and Whitehall and another at a NATO HQ in Portugal.  He also told the listeners about the threat of the Russian submarines, which were sometimes observed or heard communicating around the British Isles and the North Sea, as well as the presence of the IRA during the Thatcher era.
Submarines used a very low radio frequency to communicate with their base when underwater and sometimes used a long wire radio aerial, towed astern on a floating buoy.  The longest spell his submarine was submerged was 28 days but the nuclear powered subs could remain underwater for many months.

Posted on 16 Feb 19


On Sunday, 3rd February, Peter Posa, guitarist extraordinaire died in Waikato Hospital, he was 77 years old.
On Saturday, 9th February, Brian Cotter interviewed Peter's friend of many years, and fellow guitarist Gray Barlett. Gray said that Peter was a trailblazing guitarist with his Les Paul-style and light bouncy sound.
Peter came from a Yugoslav background in Henderson, West Auckland. At 18 he started his own band The Peter Posa Combo.
In 1963 Peter recorded "White Rabbit" which became a multi-platinum hit. He became in demand not only in New Zealand but all over the Pacific, Australia and the United States.
Through recording on the Viking label Peter was invited to functions in Las Vegas and Nashville rubbing shoulders with such guests as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Chet Atkins.
Another long time friend, Tommy Emmanuel, another guitarist from Australia, who told Peter that he was one of his mentors.
in 2006 Gray last appeared with Peter. "unfortunately he wasn't well even then but he was great" stated Gray.
In 2012 at age 74 Peter received the award for the Highest Selling Album at the New Zealand Music Awards.

The photo is of Gray Bartlett, Tommy Emmanuel and Peter Posa.

Posted on 11 Feb 19


George Stewart talked this morning with Buddy Mikaere.   Buddy helped organise a very successful Waitangi Day at the Historic Village and he also talked about the meaning of the day.
Other topics were that Buddy was attending a meeting on Thursday to discuss with the Port of Tauranga, the move of the Pipi beds in the harbor to a safe location where the dredge cannot destroy them.  He talked about his latest book "Victory at Gate Pa" and educating schoolchildren about Maori history in the Tauranga Moana District.

Buddy Mikaere in the studio with George Stewart.

Posted on 07 Feb 19


Prior to their concert at the Citizen's Club on Sunday 13th January, at 5-00pm drummer and vocalist with Human Instinct, Maurice Greer, was interviewed in our studio on Saturday by Brian Cotter.
Originally from Palmerston North Maurice now lives in Papamoa, Tauranga.  In the 1950's Maurice joined The Four Fours and one of them Bill Ward will be with Maurice among many other well known musicians from New Zealand's entertainment industry.
On board ship with The Four Fours on the way to England, it was decided to change their name for the overseas gigs. Each member wrote down their preference and they were put into a hat. Maurice picked one out of the hat and that is how they became Human Instinct.  The Sunday concert however is Human Instinct and Friends.  

The photo is of Maurice Greer.

Posted on 12 Jan 19


On Thursday George Stewart interviewed Mayor Greg Brownless during his morning broadcast.
There were many subjects discussed during the interview including to name a few, The Museum and the multi million dollar costs, the decision by one vote for the new long winded name for the Phoenix Carpark in Mt Maunganui, which he voted against.
The sad looking retail sector in the CBD due to new construction work.  The new University, the proposal to run 'clearways" along Cameron Road, to give buses exclusive lanes morning and night.  Also the horrendous traffic jams, which unfortunately are all part of a growing city.
The rates increase of 3.7% and the much larger increase being imposed by the Regional Council.
The Mayor will be spending Christmas at home but hopes to take a break in January to do some sailing.

Posted on 20 Dec 18


The Volunteers at Village Radio would like to wish all our listeners A Very Happy Christmas and New Year.

The Christmas Day broadcast will be pre-recorded and compiled by Peter Shaw.
Boxing Day broadcasts are as usual. Peter Donnelly will take you through the morning followed by Brian Williams in the afternoon. Please let them know you are listening and ask for any request of your choice.  Of course you can always see them broadcasting live by going to the Historic Village and visiting our studios.

Posted on 18 Dec 18


Yes, it is our 34th Christmas Party that we celebrated on Sunday.  Unfortunately because of the bad weather we did not have the numbers we would have liked but the warmth of our Friends of Village Radio and our Volunteers that were there made it a very enjoyable afternoon. One Volunteer called us 'The Village Family' and that is a very true statement.
We were entertained by the Bay Dixie Band who kept us entertained with some great music. Check out our Facebook Page for a short video.
Chairman Steve gave a speech of welcome and caught up the Friends of Village Radio with all our latest news. We had some wonderful raffles and a great afternoon tea supplied by our wonderful Volunteers.

Posted on 27 Nov 18


So far we have welcomed 11 out of the 117 Cruise Ships expected to visit Tauranga this season.  We at Village Radio have had the pleasure of giving some of these passengers a tour of our Radio Museum and our Studios.
We have had many special moments with our visitors.  Brian Cotter went the extra mile on one occasion. After his broadcast on his way to his car he spotted a couple from Vancouver, Canada, who had visited the studio, waiting for the bus to take them back to the boat.  He said he would take them back but on the way he gave them a 'tiki' tour of Tauranga.
A couple from Sydney, Australia came for a tour, Steve was the announcer for the afternoon and asked them if they wanted a request. They picked Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison.  He asked the lady visitor if she liked Rock n' Roll she said she loved it so they started to dance in our studio, while the record was playing.
We remember the gentleman who on seeing a radio that reminded him of his parents cried happy tears just for the memory.  Another gentleman that asked for a request and went to the café across from Village Radio got a coffee and sat outside listening on our outside system with tears in his eyes.  He remembered what that record meant in his life.
It is moments like these that make us proud to be Volunteers for Village Radio.

Posted on 20 Nov 18


The results of the voting at the A.G.M. are as follows:-  
   Chairperson             Steve Lambie         
   Vice-Chairperson      Brian Williams
   Treasurer                 Kelvin Roach         
   Station Manager       George Stewart 
   Secretary                 Judith Lambie
   Committee               Bonnie Cherrington
                                  Jim Brynes
                                  Brian Cotter
                                  Sid Pavett
                                  Sheila Lacey

Steve Lambie (Photo) thanked all the Volunteers that attended the meeting.

Posted on 15 Nov 18


Our twin sister Radio Station in Christchurch, Radio Ferrymead, have now moved into a new building.  They are not open to the public yet as they have the task of moving all the equipment from the old building.
The last week of August was hectic as the shift had to be made on the three days the station was not on air.  People helped in shifting records, including a group from Riccarton/Wigram Lions Club as well as a number of Radio Preservation Society members.    Technicians worked on fine tuning the console and further electrical features were installed.
It was decided that longest serving announcer Maureen Watkins would open the first broadcast in the new studio.

Photo is of Tony Forster and Maureen Watkins during the first hour of broadcasting in the new studio.
More photos in our Photo Gallery.

Posted on 28 Oct 18


Brian Cotter interviewed the multi talented Marian Burns on his programme on Saturday.  She first picked up a violin when she was 6 years old and she has been unstoppable since then. 
She received the "Benny Award" in 2012, Australia's Best Fiddler as a Soloist in 2013 and a Life Time Achievement Award upon celebrating 40 years of playing the violin. In 2018 she received, on Queen's Birthday weekend, the Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her dedication to Services to Music.
She has played all over the world and at the Coca Cola's Christmas in the Park played to an audience numbering over 100,000.

Posted on 16 Oct 18


During the next season some 114 ships will visit the Port of Tauranga.  An estimated 317,000 passengers and crew will visit our wonderful city. The number is up more than a third on the 2017-2018 season.
We have already welcomed a number of passengers from the first two ships, Majestic Princess and the Golden Princess to Village Radio. So far we have had visitors, from Australia, Canada, France, Chile and different States of America. 
Although the majority of ships are here just for the day nine ships will have overnight stays.

The photo is of Dr Dave and Carole Thomasco - Dave is an ex disc jockey (Dynamite Dave) - from Santa Barbara, USA

Posted on 16 Oct 18


This afternoon a group of senior students from Te Puke High School, accompanied by their IT Manager teacher, Armand de Villiers, paid a visit to Village Radio Museum to see how we operate, with a view to starting up a Student Radio Station. Our Station Manager George Stewart demonstrated how he plays his vinyl programme from the vintage equipment and library in Studio one.
George also showed the group around the museum and record library.  

From the left:- Josh Russell, Armand de Villiers (IT Manager), Dylan Sheppard, Briana Pelham and Duncan Bentley

Posted on 25 Sep 18


Speaking with Brian Cotter this morning from Brisbane was Glenn Moffatt, Country song writer and performer. He was raised in Napier, after quitting his job as a newspaper reporter he moved to Auckland to pursue his musical ambitions. 
His debut album in 1995 was 'Somewhere in New Zealand Tonight.' Two albums followed "A Place to Play" and "If That's What You Want" recorded in 2001 before relocating to Brisbane. There he formed a band Glenn Moffatt & The Tallboys afterwards he worked with The Smokin' Crawdads.  
Sony Music NZ included his song "Somewhere in N.Z. Tonight" on their Godzone Country: The Very Best of NZ Country Music CD.
Glenn also talked to Brian about keeping the stories of past and present New Zealand music alive on the website Audio Culture.

Posted on 22 Sep 18


Gate Pa and Te Ranga, The Full Story by John McLean and John Robinson is a new book about the important battles of the New Zealand Wars of the 1860s.  The book was launched on the 21st September and George Stewart interviewed one of the authors John McLean on Saturday.
The book describes how Ngaiterangi came to the Tauranga region, the alliances it made and how the alliances influenced the decision to take up arms against the Crown.  Later they surrendered to the Crown and agreed to accept the law of the land. The book is now on sale.

Posted on 22 Sep 18


Jim Smylie was George Stewarts guest in our studio last Thursday.  He is the current President of the Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club and owns two vintage cars himself, a black Model T Ford and a Model A Ford.
Jim and his wife Kaaren run the many events that keep the Cliff Road club humming.  Such as the bi-monthly club car runs around the district, the monthly film nights, the "Noggin and Natter" evening outings to Katikati, Te Puke and Tauranga, as well as organising the Cancer Society Daffodil collection and distribution, which raised $2,000 this year.
The next event coming up is the annual "Swap Meet" where owners bring along spare parts they no longer need.

Posted on 15 Sep 18


We are very proud to announce that we have another Trust Power Award to add to our collection.  The 2018 Trust Power Community Award was presented to two of our representatives, George Stewart and Brian Williams on Wednesday evening.  "Presented in recognition as an outstanding contribution to the Western Bay of Plenty District Community.  All of the amazing hardworking volunteers do an incredible job". 
The 2018 Supreme Winner for the Tauranga area was "Under the Stars" group, they help people get off the streets and empower them.  The Supreme Winner for the Western Bay Of Plenty was Maketu Volunteer Coastguard. 
Congratulations to all our Village Radio Volunteers.

Photo from far right, Mayor Greg Brownless, Our Volunteers
Brian Williams, George Stewart, Trust Powers Fiona Smith
WBOP Mayor Gary Webber

Posted on 14 Sep 18


Dennis Marsh was talking with Brian Cotter this morning.  He told us the story of when he was born his Mother did not make it to the hospital and had Dennis on the veranda of his Grandmother's Te Kuiti house, hence 'born under the stars'.  What a star he has become in the Country Music world.  
His early years, he learnt carving in Rotorua and then trained as a builder in Auckland.  In 1984 he was taken to a Country Music Club where he fell in love with the classic Country Music sound. He started performing around New Zealand shortly after. He released his first album 'For You' which got him a gold record and Country Music Entertainer of the Year. Since then he has almost made an album a year and won many awards.  This year sees his 30th album and he said that it will probably be his last.

Posted on 08 Sep 18


Brian Cotter interviewed Caitriona Fallon this morning.  She is originally from Ireland and moved to Tauranga 18 months ago. She met her Kiwi husband in the UK and has 2 children.  At the age of 19 years she got an audition with Riverdance and after singing in the choir for 2 years landed the role of lead singer traveling all over the world.
She has a band, Cookie (Caitriona) and the Vaudevilles  and after the success with a debut album toured renowned music venues around Ireland and Jazz Festivals. She sings a mix of originals, jazz and blues classics.
In fact she was at the Tauranga Jazz Festival in March and sold out her concert.
You can see her on Sunday 9th September at 5-00pm to 8-00pm at Tauranga Citizens Club, door sales only.

Posted on 25 Aug 18


In our studio, to-day, talking with George Stewart was Liam Brettkelly. He is the Pilot/Base Manager of the Trustpower TECT Rescue Helicopter here in Tauranga. With Liam was winchman, Callan.  In fact it is based just across the road from our studios at Tauranga Hospital.
Liam got his pilot license in 1993 and has flown thousands of missions since. The twin engine BK117 replaced the single engine Squirrel that served the region for 18 years.  It has a cruise speed of 120 knots and a range of 600 kilometers (3 hours flying time).
The helicopter can be airborne in 10 minutes, there is more room in the rear for crew to aid patients while airborne, faster, allowing crew to get to patients earlier.  More safety features, including crash-resistant fuel tanks and structures.  However it is more expensive to run, the cost per mission is around $5,000. and is paid through sponsorship and donations. The cost however is outweighed by the aforementioned benefits.

                                Photo Of Liam Brettkelly with the BK117

Posted on 23 Aug 18


Village Radio Museum is helping some students from Otumoetai College in this year's Young Enterprise Scheme, by providing a recording studio for their use.
"Wider Horizons : Tau Mohio Number Knowledge" is the name of their project, which allows anyone to download an App. and listen to 20 poems in both Maori and English.  Each three line poem is supported by a visual image of the sound.

Students pictured are from the left
Maia Turner (13)   Announcer from Tauranga Intermediate
Amia Wharry (17) Communications and Marketing
Adriana Vickers (17) Finance
Phoebe Adler (17) Manager

Posted on 27 Jul 18


Brian Cotter interviewed Tina Cross on Saturday.  Tina came from Otara, Auckland and arrived on the music scene in 1978 with appearances on "Ready to Roll". She had four singles in the charts, "Make Love To Me, "Everybody Let's Dance", Lay Back In Your Lover's Arms" and "Nothing but Dreams" we have these in our vinyl library.   "Nothing But Dreams" was entered into the 1979 Pacific Song Concert and won. In 1980 she performed before the Queen and Prince Philip at the Royal Command Performance in Auckland.
In 1982 Tina left for Australia appearing on TV and doing the cabaret circuit.  She has performed throughout Asia, UK, USA and the Pacific Islands appearing with such artists as Sammy Davis Jnr, Meatloaf and Tom Jones.   She has many awards to her name including in 2007 the Queen's Medal, Order of NZ Merit (ONZM) for her services to the music industry.
Tina has been married for over 30 years to Wayne Sullivan and they have two children.
Tina supports many charities and in 2014 wrote "Walk Away" specially written to help raised awareness of family violence.  She has also created The Power of Song workshop specifically for Prisoners to help them refocus and rehabilitate through music.

Posted on 07 Jul 18


On Thursday Brian, our announcer for the afternoon, had two visitors, Helen Bennett from Tauranga and Heather Charlton who he interviewed. 
Heather Charlton was born in Auckland and studied music at Auckland University.   After graduating with an honors degree in musicology and piano performance, she was awarded a Queen Elizabeth 11 Arts Council scholarship to study the harpsichord at the Royal Conservatorium of Music at The Hague in the Netherlands.
After 2 years she was awarded a scholarship by the Belgian Ministry of Culture to study at the Royal Conservatorium of Brussels.  She graduated with an Honours Degree for the harpsichord and continued for a further 2 years at the Royal Conservatorium of Music, Antwerp, this time graduating with the First Prize for the organ.
Since then Heather has taught music at the Brussels Music Conservatorium and in various music academies in Brussels, She has made recordings for the Belgian television and radio and performed in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


                  Heather is seen here in our studio with Brian Williams.

Posted on 06 Jul 18


In our studio, George Stewart interviewed Jeremy Gooders, St Johns District Operations Manager, Bay of Plenty.    St John Ambulance Services are not fully funded by the Government.  Contracts with the Ministry of Health, ACC and District Health Boards fund just under 70% of the direct operating costs.  The shortfall must be made up from payment of community donations, part charges, fundraising and revenue from other commercial activities. 
The new state-of-the-art upgrade to Tauranga St John Ambulance Station on 17th Avenue, which cost $4.5m funded by charity donations, would stay a functional operational ambulance station, but operate community services like health shuttles, coordinating the caring callers and friends of the emergency department as well. In August there will be an open day for the community to see all these wonderful facilities. 

Posted on 28 Jun 18


The Coastguard premises at Sulphur Point was the venue for the Village Radio Mid Year Christmas Party.   Volunteers welcomed our Friends of Village Radio.  We were all entertained by the Ukulele band with a singalong, Hal Roach (aka Brian Cotter) doing an Irish comedy routine and Jenni who had written and read a poem for Village Radio.
We then tucked into a lovely afternoon tea provided by our wonderful Volunteers, the delicious  Christmas cake was made by Carole who also organised the afternoon.

The photo is of the Volunteers with past announcer Keith Spooner (95).

Posted on 25 Jun 18


Brian Cotter's guest interview was with Santiago Rebagliati who came from a backgrounds as far as Puerto Rico all the way to Italy and Switzerland, where is grandparents came from, New York his Mother's hometown and finally being born in Buenos Aries, Argentina his father's birthplace.
In the last few years he has performed over 120 gigs per year in N.Z., Chile and Argentina.  He has been and still is part of several projects, playing mainly acoustic solo performances since 2012 and collaborating with bigger bands, duos, trios and quartets.
Santiago learnt guitar from some of the best in Argentina, Santiago Ferreiro, Lisandro Fiks amd Mario Fernandez.      At present he is performing around local venues, with fellow Brazilian musician, singer, songwriter and violinist Camila, who is bringing her energy and talent to each performance.
Santiago's dream is to bring the Latin beat to as many places as possible.  He is continuing to bring smiles and dance to people wherever he plays his music. 
You can see a live performance on Tuesday, 19th June at the Astrolabe, Mt Maunganui at 6-00pm.

Posted on 18 Jun 18


The 17th to 23rd June marks National Volunteer Week.  Where would Village Radio be without our wonderful Volunteers? The answer, we would not have a radio station.
It began in 1984 as Sunday only broadcasts and is now 7 days a week, Russ Bain started as a Volunteer in the early days and is still Volunteering for us, that is dedication.  Many of our other Volunteers have been with Village Radio for many, many years and we have had some trying times but our dedication to our Mission Statement:- To provide enjoyable and varied nostalgic music to our listeners always prevails.
We like the quote " Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart", after all Volunteers are the Heart of our Community.
We welcome the new Volunteers that have just joined Village Radio and hope they stay with us for many years.

Posted on 18 Jun 18


Through the Gateway Program at Bethlehem College, 18 year old Daniel has done a 10 week, once a week, course with Village Radio.
His enthusiasm for radio is very evident and he has spent his time learning as much as possible about broadcasting.
The course came to an end on Wednesday 13th June with Daniel doing a solo broadcast using the 'old time' broadcasting equipment and playing vinyl records.
Daniel did very well and at the end of the broadcast was presented with a Certificate and a souvenir album of photos by Kelvin Roach and Jim Byrnes, which were taken during the 10 week course.   Also present was Daniel's parents and grandparents.

        Photo - Daniel during broadcast.  More photos in Photo Gallery

Posted on 13 Jun 18


June 4th, Eileen Roach, set up a Facebook page for Tauranga Village Radio. Eileen looks after our vast library of vinyl and cd collections, one of the largest in the country.  It's early days yet but we are hoping to get a few of our listeners and Friends of Village Radio following us on Facebook.
Each day has a photo of the announcers on morning and afternoon duties, plus the phone number for requests.     
It would be interesting to find out if there is another radio station that has been on air for over 34 years and which is run exclusively by Volunteers, anywhere in the World.   Let us know if you know the answer.

Photo Eileen Roach

Posted on 10 Jun 18


It is that time of year when in May we celebrate New Zealand Music Month.   To put it simply it is to celebrate music from New Zealand and the people who make it. Village Radio has always prided itself on being a dedicated supporter of New Zealand Music of the past years.   
Our library contains hundreds of vinyl records including nearly a 1,000 tracks of Maori songs by different artists.  
In 2001 APRA invited it's members to vote what they believed to be NZ's top songs of all time. 
The winner (1)  Nature 1969 - Fourmyula   (2) Don't Dream It's Over 1987 - Crowded House  (3) Loyal 1988 - Dave Dobbyn (4) Counting The Beat 1981 - The Swingers  (5) Six Months In A Leaky Boat 1982 - Split Enz  (6) Sway 1997 - Bic Runga  (7) Slice of Heaven 1986 - Dave Dobbyn  (8) Victoria 1982 - Dance Exponents (9) She Speeds 1987 - Straitjacket Fits (10) April Sun In Cuba 1978 - Dragon.
Remember to tune in to Gail Wood every Wednesday between 4-00 and 5-00 pm for N.Z. Music Hour.

Posted on 10 May 18


Ian Magan is a pioneer in radio and concert promotions and was interviewed by Brian Cotter on just part of his varied career.   He was born in Hamilton, went to college in Matamata and worked for the Agricultural Department.  He later joined the NZBC at Wanganui Radio.
In 1960's he was one of the original 'Good Guys' (DJ's) that started pirate radio broadcasts on a ship in the Hauraki Gulf - Radio Hauraki, which has become part of New Zealand Broadcasting history.
He next formed the Concert Promotions Company in 1975 and later Pacific Entertainment in 1995.  He has promoted many of our NZ stars and with Gray Bartlett started getting overseas groups to appear here, the most successful being Dire Straits, which attracted an audience of 120,000 80,000 in Wellington and 64,000 in Christchurch. This was a NZ record which was only recently broken by the Adele concerts.
He now lives in Devonport, Auckland but is still involved with the industry in a consulting capacity.

Posted on 07 May 18


Midge Marsden was born in New Plymouth.  He has sung and played guitar and harmonica to thousands throughout New Zealand, Australia and U.S.A.  His first band was The 'Blue Diamonds" who changed their name to 'Bari and the Breakaways then just the 'Breakaways' which disbanded in 1967.
Midge then joined the NZBC's radio programming department in Wellington.  1969 he had his own radio show, 'Blues is News' featuring his favourite genre, the blues.  He then visited states in the U.S.A. on a regular basis playing the blues.
In fact between 1992 and 1999 he tutored 'bluesology' at Waikato Institute of Technology where he later received a Bachelor of Arts degree. He studied and received a diploma in the History of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi.  In 2006 he was awarded the NZ Order of Merit for services to NZ music.
He was Entertainer of the Year in 1990 and a year later received a Gold Record for his recording of 'Burning Rain'.  Midge is still entertaining but he told Brian Cotter during the interview that he was contemplating retirement after over 50 years.  No wonder he is called "His Midgesty"!!
Photo-shows Midge wearing his NZ Order of Merit in 2006.

Posted on 21 Apr 18


Over 40 years in the world of music, Rodger Fox Big Band has become an icon in New Zealand entertainment. Rodger was interviewed on Saturday by Brian Cotter. 
Rodger was born in Christchurch and spent his early years living in Invercargill, Gore Hawera and Wellington.   He learnt violin (which he hated), piano, cornet and trumpet, then finally trombone.
He formed his Big Band in 1973.  He is also now a lecturer at the New Zealand School of Music.  In 2005 he received an honorary doctorate of music from Massey University and two years later he was made an officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
He has travelled all over the world and brought some of the best international jazz musicians to our shores.   He has appeared at, Montreux Jazz Festival, Monterey Jazz Festival, Manly Jazz Festival, Wichita Jazz Festival and concerts in London, Singapore, Australia, Poland and the USA.

Posted on 14 Apr 18


Our Chairman, Steve Lambie and his wife Judith called in on our sister Volunteer station Ferrymead.  Steve was interviewed by Tony Forster, Ferrymead's Secretary, for some 20 minutes. They discussed the differences between the two stations with more discussions after the interview.
In their present premises they have no toilet, having to use a Portaloo, no kitchen, the announcers have to bring a thermos. Their new premises will be a palace in comparison.  They will have a large area, with two studios, a museum which will house their large record collection plus a large storage area. .  They have 27 years of donated records they have to catalogue which at present are all in cardboard boxes.
Photo of Steve Lambie in Ferrymead's studio

Posted on 12 Apr 18


New Zealand's singing star, Suzanne Prentice was interviewed by Brian Cotter on his Saturday morning show.   Suzanne was born and lives in Invercargill.
She became a professional performer at the age of 17, her recording career since then has proven a series of gold, platinum and multi platinum successes.  Her album, One Day At A Time  was one of Australasia's top selling country albums of 1980.
In 1995 she received the OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours for services to music.  In 2016 she received the highest honour for a New Zealand entertainer, The Benny Award, from the Variety Artists Club of New Zealand.

Posted on 12 Apr 18


In our latest interview with The Bay of Plenty Symphonia music director, Justus Rozemond, he talked about the amazing find of 1906 handwritten manuscripts and signed by English composer, Gustav Holst here in Tauranga.
He told George Stewart that he and librarian Gloria Pheasant were having a tidy-up of the Symphonia's sheet music library and found the manuscripts.
Bronya Dean an orchestra member contacted the Holst Archive in England and almost immediately received a reply to say that the handwriting and signatures were original and authentic.  In February this was confirmed.    Since when there has been great interest throughout the music world.
The Symphonia will play these finds in a concert on Sunday 15th April, 3pm at Baycourt, Tauranga.  The concert will also include the choir, Scholars Pro Musica, directed by Chalium Poppy.    A free talk will be given prior to the concert at 2-15pm by Dr Bronya Dean focusing on the discovery.   The original manuscripts will be on view in the fioyer of Baycourt.
Photo from left - Bronya Dean, Gloria Pheasant and Justus Rozemond looking at one of the manuscripts.

Posted on 05 Apr 18


Kevin Greaves, one of New Zealand's busiest entertainers, was interviewed from Whangamata where he had been appearing, by Brian Cotter.  
Kevin is one of 14 children born in Auckland, his father being the late Rusty Greaves who in 1976 received a Benny Award, so it followed that in 2017 his son Kevin also received the award.  Kevin is a country and popular music singer and his act also includes comedy.  He has spent 14 years in the U.S.A. and Nashville scene.     
Kevin is one of a handful of international artists to have appeared at the Famous Grand Ole Opry in Tennessee.  His father being the first. His album I'm Not Scared of Women went to Gold Status for sales in N.Z. even outselling Garth Brooks.

Posted on 24 Mar 18


The familiar voice rang out over the Village Radio microphone on Sunday morning (18th March) - Bonnie Leonard was back on air.  The 'BUT' is that it was just for one broadcast.
Bonnie was in Tauranga for a visit from her home in Gore, catching up with family and friends.  The studio was busy taking the phone calls and welcoming visitors to the studio, all eager to welcome Bonnie back, even though it was for just one morning. 
Pictured - Bonnie on air reading out the many requests she received.

Posted on 19 Mar 18


We have made the front page of the Bay News here in Tauranga.   The headline is "Shout out for volunteer radio announcers".  On page two and three is the article.  It begins "Village Radio is hoping to attract some new volunteer announcers with an interest in nostalgic music to strengthen its ranks".
George Stewart our Station Manager explained that the announcers roster had sometimes become a juggling act especially during the holiday period.   He stated that the announcers come from different walks of life and some of them had no experience in broadcasting before taking up the challenge.   Full training would be offered in our two studios for those who wanted to be part of the friendly team.
George can be contacted on 571-3710 to 576-6170 for those interested.
George Stewart is on the front page holding one of our vinyl records, one of many thousands we have in our library.

Posted on 16 Mar 18


Heather and Larry Johns from Vancouver, Canada are in Tauranga for their second visit to New Zealand, which they love. They enjoyed the fabulous scenery, lifestyle and another attraction is that people always make them feel at home. 
George Stewart, our Thursday announcer gave them a tour of our studios which they loved.  Larry has an interest in music and radio and at one point was a DJ for CBC Radio Station in Yellowknife NW, in the far north of Canada.   Heather said that if they were to stay here for any length of time he would certainly be a Volunteer at Village Radio.
Photo of George sharing a joke with our visitors.

Posted on 24 Feb 18


Amy her real name, was born in New Jersey, U.S.A. From a very musical family she started playing the piano around 4 or 5.  Amy began writing songs as a teenager.
Overseas adventures beckoned and Amy headed to the UK, where she joined the band Dreamfield for two years, adding piano and backing vocals.  She moved to New Zealand in 2003 where after a ten year break from music, she launched her solo career as Parabola West.  The name came from Amy's investigations into making a parabolic solar hear. "The light comes from all different directions, but focuses on just one spot," she explained, "Music is like a parabola."
Married to David they decided to get out of the rat race that is Auckland to live in Raglan, where she feels more connected to nature and has changed her music accordingly.
She does 'home concerts' - 20 or more people getting together at someone's house.  "I love doing the home concerts.  Whenever I travel I try and do a couple of home concerts. It's really my favourite way to sing because you get to connect with people and have a chat."
Parabola will be appearing at The Historic Village on 17th February at 6-30 pm.

Posted on 10 Feb 18


One of our Social Events where we, as Volunteers, get together is on Waitangi Day.  For the second year we spent an very enjoyable time at Kelvin & Eileen's home in Welcome Bay.  
The year has bought many changes, some of our Volunteers are new to our organization, so it was great that we could all meet at a social time especially with our partners.    There was much laughter, music, swopping stories and some of us finding out that we had mutual friends without realizing it.   It goes without saying the food was fabulous!!!
Our photo - The OLD and the NEW - George Stewart (long time announcer) and Jim Byres (the new boy).
More photos in the Photo Gallery

Posted on 09 Feb 18


Wednesday we were happy to greet the cruise ship Viking Sun passengers to Village Radio. At times the studios were full of overseas visitors asking all about our organization.  One gentleman stood still at the top of the stairs, when asked if he was OK his reply was, "I have never heard this type of music for years, oh how I wish I could get this station in Canada".
Other remarks that were recorded in our Visitors Book were, Awesome, Great Music, Wonderful Experience, Great Trip to the Past, Wonderful Enthusiasm, Beyond Expectations and of course Great Music, plus many more.
Our visitors had great photo opportunities sitting in our oldest studio, adorned with headphones and talking into the microphone (circ 1930's).
The photo is of Jack Eyler of Southport, North Carolina
A couple of other photos are in our Photo Gallery.

Posted on 31 Jan 18


On his Saturday morning show Brian Cotter interviewed Murray Mason.  Murray is a 'multi instrumentalist' who has had a passionate, enthusiastic and action packed career in music education, spanning 35 years in the classroom.
After leaving school in Matamata he went on to the University and Training College in Hamilton where he met his wife.  They both became teachers and eventually came to Tauranga.  Murray became the Head of Music at both Tauranga Boys and Girls Colleges.
Murray has also been involved as a Musical Director of many successful and award winning youth based and adult musical groups, including the Bay Big Band, a position he held for 13 years.
Although now retired from the Tauranga Big Band he is still performing with smaller jazz trios.   Check out one of Murray's compositions on the link below: -

Posted on 23 Jan 18


In our studios on Tuesday we had a group from the Rotorua Gardens Lifestyle Complex.  One of the visitors Richard, was very pleased to see, in our Museum, not only vintage radios, record and cassette players, recording equipment etc. but some old Morse code units.   Having been a Morse Code operator in his Navy days he spent no time trying it out as seen in the photo.

Posted on 23 Jan 18


Saturday, 16th, was our Christmas party.  It was attended by our Friends of Village Radio, Volunteers and to entertain us the Rock and Roll Dancers.
We had a singalong first then into the wonderful food.  After which we drew the raffles. At the door everyone was given a raffle ticket. There were 8 gift baskets as prizes. Our wonderful Volunteers had donated the goodies in them. 
Santa (Chairman Steve) and Mrs Claus (Secretary Judith) made an appearance and many of our guests had photos taken with them.
You can check some of the many photos we took in our Photo Gallery.
To all our Listeners, Volunteers and Friends of Village Radio we wish you all a Healthy, Safe and Peaceful Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

Posted on 21 Dec 17


Our Chairman, Steve Lambie has put together a display for our Museum.
Everything from small transistor radios, record and cassette players and recorders, stereo units, old NZPO equipment. Plus our old transmitter, which served us well for many years.
Names such as Philips, Ariel, Gerrard, Courtenay, Braithwaite, Sanyo, Tech, Murphy, Panasonic etc are on display.  We have an overflow of items in Studio 2 at the station.
The exhibits have been donated to us over 33 years.
The Museum is open the same time as our broadcasts.
(More Photos in our "Photo Gallery")

Posted on 19 Dec 17


Eddie Lowe was interviewed on Saturday from a very hot Christchurch.  He has been called "The Voice In A Million", although he plays musical instruments, including piano, trumpet, flute, most brass instruments, guitar, string bass, violin and piano accordion, making him one of New Zealand's most versatile entertainers.  He did tell Brian Cotter the one instrument he does not play are the bagpipes!
He was born in New Zealand and in the early sixties Eddie joined the Sundowners.  Then he was with the Truetones before moving on to become a member of the Quin Tikis showband.  In 1966 Pacific films made a N.Z. musical comedy called "Don't Let It Get You" with Howard Morrison and Kiri Te Kanawa and including the Quin Tikis.
Then having gone solo he was noticed by Joe Brown and Joe signed him up to his record label.  Eddie went on to record albums in the U.S.A, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
In 1970 he released some songs that he had been singing very successfully on tour.  Including "You Better Sit Down Kids"/'I Want To Be Free" and "It Don't Hurt Anymore/"Save The Last Dance For Me".       In October 1972 he was invited by the Country Music Association of America to take part in the Grand Ole Opry birthday celebrations held in Nashville. After more tours overseas he became known as New Zealand's International Singing Star.  In the late 70's Eddie moved to Australia  but now lives in Christchurch.  In 1980 he signed a recording contract with RCA.  He has recorded over 23 albums and many singles and is still entertaining to-day.

Posted on 10 Dec 17


Another icon of New Zealand music spoke with Brian Cotter during an interview via phone.  He is English born Trevor Hales, better known to his many fans as Shane.  After appearing with The Pleazers he decided to go solo and was spotted by TV producer Kevan Moore and was made resident singer on the pop show C'mon replacing Mr Lee Grant.
His biggest hit is "St Paul" written about Beatle Paul McCartney.  It topped the charts and took out the Loxene Golden Disc for local song of the year in 1969.  A string of hits followed and after 52 years in show business he is stopped in the street by loyal fans.
This year he received the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queens Birthday honours.  The honour commends his annual North Shore concerts which have raised more than $50,000+ for the North Shore Hospice.
He still performs just about every week and lives in Auckland.

Posted on 01 Dec 17


Another interview was on Saturday 18th November, with one of New Zealand's icons of music, Tom Sharplin, a Rock and Roll revivalist.  He was born in Auckland but raised in Tauranga.    He had five singles in the 1970's, the first in 1971 was "Love Is A Beautiful Song"/We've Got A Groovy Thing Going",  He enjoyed chart success by making it to number 12 on the national charts with it.
In 1982 he formed a group called Tom Sharplin and the Cadillacs with "Endless Sleep"/"I Was A Fool" and Sweet Lolita"/"Guitar Boogie.   Tom toured up and down New Zealand supporting Johnny Devlin, Maria Dallas, Nash Chase, Angela Ayres and many more.
He remained quiet on the recording front until 1978, when he released an album Rock N' Roll which was released as "Rock Around The Clock in 1982.  He has been President of the New Zealand Variety  Arts Club who raise money for Children's charities.  He is still tours around New Zealand  

Posted on 24 Nov 17


On his Thursday programme George Stewart, interviewed Jenny Argante, author, literary editor and proofreader.  She is also Information Officer for the Tauranga Writer's Group, an Incorporated Society dedicated to promoting emergent and established literary talent.    She is also the Bay of Plenty Regional Representative for New Zealand Society of Authors.
Originally from England (once married to an officer in the RAF), Jenny came to New Zealand to visit one of her children and stayed!  She is also had extensive personal involvement in the local literary scene as a professional book edit, "new book" promoter and supporter of the wider creative arts.

Posted on 24 Nov 17


Entertainer Celine Toner was born in Scotland, with her family they settled in Napier in 1974 she was 11 years old.  Talking with Brian Cotter on his Saturday morning broadcast "Village People" she reminisced about her late father and Brian (Cotter), forming the Napier City Country Music Club in the mid 70's.  She will be performing in Napier on Saturday 11th November at the Club's 40th Anniversary Reunion.
As a member of the Club she went on to win awards including sponsored visits to Nashville and performed with International Country Artist George Hamilton IV.
She married Barry Green and set up Limelight Productions, a very successful promotions company.  After the birth of daughter Samantha, now a recording artist in her own right, Celine joined the Scots Dragoons International Pipe Band and toured with them.  She supported Kenny Rogers, The Little River Band and Ricky Scaggs, toured South America and China, appeared at Conferences in Australia and NZ and various music festivals.
Sisters Celine, Lynne and Adrienne toured as a trio throughout New Zealand.
She has informed several NZ Entertainment Icons, now living in Auckland, of the "Village People" specialist interviews, so there should be more interesting stories coming up.

Posted on 07 Nov 17


Susanne Lynch (nee Donaldson) MNZM, was born in Wellington in 1951 she is a singer, vocal coach and backup singer.  She moved to Auckland where she stills lives. 
She spoke to Brian Cotter, of her link to Tauranga, aged 7 she entered a Talent Contest with her sister Judy and won a 'chicken'.  
In the 1960's with her sister, Judy, became famous as "The Chicks", they appeared on the T.V. series 'C'mon' in 1967. Their last appearance was in 1970 at the Royal Variety Show at Western Springs in front of Prince Charles and Princess Ann.
In 1969 she became a solo performer in a follow up show 'Happen Inn'.   The following year she was voted N.Z. Entertainer of the year and won a Loxene Golden Disc in 1972.
She married Bruce Lynch and moved to London where she worked as a session musician then became part of the Cat Stevens shows for 5 years and appeared on several of his albums.   While on tour in N.Z. Val Doonican asked Susanne to appear on his T.V.  In 2001 she became a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for Services to Entertainment.
In 2008/2009 series of 'Stars In Their Eyes' and 'N.Z. Got Talent' she was vocal coach and backup singer.   Still active as a singer she is part of "The Ladykillers" along side of Tina Cross and Jackie Clarke.

Posted on 21 Oct 17


That is how Brian Cotter introduced him on his Saturday show, 14th October. Brian is very proud to know and have worked with Gray over 50 years.  Brian counts this interview as a highlight for Village Radio.
Gray Bartlett is a guitarist, country music performer, talent mentor, tour promoter and entrepreneur.
Gray grew up in Auckland, joined a 'Skiffle Group' at age 15, then started his own "Gray Bartlett Combo'.
With Brendan Dugan, Jodi Vaughan the trio established some type of record in New Zealand in having performed together for over 40 years and still going.  They are putting together a "legends Show" including Eddie Lowe and others.  They start in Kerikeri on 28th October working their way down South.  They are looking forward to a show in Tauranga, the date to be set.
He has toured UK, America, Australia and New Zealand. He was the backing artist for the Rolf Harris TV show for 4 years. Backing artists like Tom Jones, Connie Francis, Bobby Vee, The Hermits and Michael Crawford.  He maintains that experience as a highlight of his career.  He received the M.B.E in 1987.
As a Concert Promoter he promoted serveral New Zealand singing stars, Hayley Westenera, Yulia, Will Martin and Elizabeth Marvelly among others. 
Photo is right Gray Bartlett with Village Radio's Brian Cotter


Posted on 15 Oct 17


Jodi Vaughan is a musician, country singer, songwriter, recording artist, television performer, and actor.  She was born in 1950, Sydney, but since 1975 has called New Zealand her home.  At one stage she and her New Zealand second husband lived in Tauranga.  She now calls Hamilton her home.
She was spotted in 1976 on the final of South Pacific Television's The Entertainers by Gray Bartlett and he asked her to join him and Brendan Dugan in their act. This began a partnership with Gray and Brendan  that would endure for many years. Their greatest successes have been in each other's company.    The trio toured almost constantly to every small town and big city in the country. 
In conclusion she promised our announcer, Brian Cotter, that any time he wanted her to sing she would do so, at Bayswater Retirement Village where Brian lives.

Posted on 09 Oct 17


Maria Dallas (Marina Devcich from Morrinsville), talked by phone from Maroochydore, Australia to Brian Cotter.  She spoke about her life in the sixties. From being  hairdresser and the second youngest of twelve children to her first record "Tumblin Down"and a winner of the Loxene Golden Disc Award. During her career she released 10 albums and at least 25 singles.
She spent a successful recording time in Nashville and on returning to New Zealand in 1970 her recording of "Pinocchio" went to No. 1 on the national charts for 6 weeks.
Joining the conversation in the studio  was Ken Wadsworth, a Village Radio volunteer and ex member of the The Satellites, who had appeared with Maria during those early days.   For many years Maria has lived in Australia.
We have 70+ tracks of Maria Dallas on both 45's and 33rpm in our vast vinyl  library.

Posted on 11 Sep 17


Roy Phillips of The Peddlers fame was interviewed by Brian Cotter on Saturday, but this time not in our studio but by phone.  Roy was appearing in Napier that night and then Tauranga on Sunday the evening of 27th August.
Roy went on to say he was born in Poole, Dorset in the UK and that he got into music by listening to his Dad's wind up gramophone.  
The Peddlers were formed in Manchester in 1964 the other two of the trio were, Trevor Morais and Tab Martin. 
They went onto sell 45 million records.  (We have 50 tracks of the Peddlers in our library, so put in a request.)
The Peddlers appeared at the Pickwick Club in London and the audience loved them. Their one month engagement turned into an eighteen month gig - they had hit the big time.   At the club they were 'spotted' by Frank Sinatra and Mel Torme and for five years did seasons in the USA at places like the Flamingo Hotel and Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.
The group disbanded in 1976 and Roy found his future in songwriting, penning over 200 songs.
While touring New Zealand in 1969 he fell in love with the laid back lifestyle and the people. In 1981 he moved here, firstly to Paihia, then Queenstown and now lives in Christchurch. 
Photo is of Roy Phillips with Brian Cotter after the concert.

Posted on 26 Aug 17


The Nautel solid state transmitter commenced broadcasting on Friday 16th June 2017.  We are receiving excellent comments from listeners reporting a clearer reception in areas which were previously inconsistent.
The first music to be play on the 16th June was "Blue Smoke", the first record wholly produced in New Zealand from composition to pressing.
A huge thanks to George Stewart and particularly Ted Adelman who has literally gone the extra mile to get the Nautel Transmitter up and broadcasting, two trips to Taupo that we are aware of, to tap into additional experience when problems were encountered.

Posted on 20 Jun 17


On Thursday 15th June one of our pioneers of Village Radio, Kel Raine, gave his last broadcast.  He first became involved in 1986, just 2 years after the station commenced.
Kel and his wife Anne spent many hours, over a number of years organising and cataloguing the record library, as well as Kel announcing, sometimes twice a week.
Also there were late nights spent ensuring the transmitter and other equipment would be ready for broadcasting the following day.
Many thanks Kel for helping create the station that hundreds of listeners enjoy every day and your many years of dedication. 

Posted on 20 Jun 17


Bonnie Leonard, has sadly resigned. She has been an announcer, board member and Co-ordinator of the Friends of Village Radio since July 1993 (nearly 24 years).she is on her way to the Mainland, Gore.  Bonnie has spent 58 years in Tauranga so made many, many friends who are going to miss her as we are at Village Radio.
She was given a great farewell party on Saturday, 4th March at the Village Hall in the Historic Village.   Entertainment was provided by the the popular, Bay Dixie Band, followed by a sing-a-long with Shirley Hanly.
Volunteers from the station, friends and Friends of Village Radio were in attendance to bid her a fond farewell.   Bonnie will broadcast her final programme on 12th March 9-00am to 1-00pm.
Please go to our Photo Gallery for more photos of the day. 

Posted on 06 Mar 17


On the 5th January 2013 the 75 year old Collins Transmitter went on air without a hitch. The transmitter is only the second known to be operating in the world and was restored by our technicians at Village Radio, Russ Bain, George Stewart and Neil Walsh. (Please see photo).   It has been out of action for 13 years but has been painstakingly restored by the technicians and a grant from the Lotteries Commission.

Village Radio will continue to rely on it's more modern 1960's Toshiba value transmitter, leaving the Collins as a back-up and for special occasions.





From the left, George Stewart, Russ Bain & Neil Walsh

The Announcer for the day was Peter Shaw

Posted on 20 Jan 13